Sunday 13 December 2009

Gaudete Sunday & The Toffee Crumble

Today the third advent candle - traditionally pink - is lit and rose-coloured vestments are worn.  We are invited to rejoice (Gaudete) because the Lord is near.  The following text was written by our dear friend Sr Callistus Barry when she led the advent Lectio Divina scripture in our parish, she has long since returned home to the Lord but her words live on:

LUKE 3:10-18


In this reading, we see where Christ comes into the life of an individual, a group of people, or a parish.  A spiritual growth seems a possibility.  People become more sensitive to sin in their lives and then are drawn to repentance and reconciliation.  I find that there is a desire then to become closer to Jesus.

Gospel Prayer

We pray for all those who are searching for meaning in their lives and perhaps have lost hope in God.  As John the Baptist was not judged by his appearance, may we be able to accept others in what they have to offer us by being open to the Holy Spirit who is working in their lives.  Let us always remember that we have that same strength that John the Baptist had because of your presence within us.  John called for a selfless concern for those who are disadvantaged.  May we who are blessed with plenty, give of our spiritual and temporal gifts.  Lord help us to realise our own spiritual condition of poverty and the need we have to appreciate God’s wonderful love of us and accept it fully in our lives.  Lord give us the gift of repentance – true repentance, that we bear fruit in the way we live our lives, living the Gospel as Jesus lived it.  Enable us to respond to your call with the selfless desire to give.

Sara bravely allowed her failed fudge culinary disaster to be photographed, but sadly, in the switching of blog providers due to earlier issues, we have lost the picture.  Never mind the crumbly texture it is beautiful... you get a real sugar hit with it, definitely need to keep it out of the way of Benedict!!  It is a diabetics worst nightmare!!

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