Sunday 18 October 2020

A Big Ol' Catch Up

 Lakeside Motor Museum

Our first car was an MG Midget but not this version!

A Rehab Birthday and Dragon Bread

'Drat, Drat, Double Drat ... sorry we cannot be with you on your birthday love Ben and Pip.'  Dave and I were big whacky races fans in our youth and since growing a beard, I've nicknamed Dave 'Mutley' after the famous dog!  Pip very obligingly put her artist skills to use in making the card and ornament.

One of the Sue Ryder staff bought this icon for Dave and the kitchen staff cooked a special birthday lunch complete with gluten free cake.

Pip also had fun making and decorating our yeast free dragon bread.

Levens Hall and Gardens

We met with Mum H just over a week ago at this place which is a halfway point between both houses.  It was lovely to be out in the fresh air and admire the gardens.  We had a lovely picnic lunch followed by a coffee and hot chocolate treat in the cafe.

Beacon Fell Adventures

Two weeks ago we attended our first Beacon Fell Homeschool group since the lockdown in March.  Pip has really missed her regular activities and it was so lovely for her to spend time with Phoebe, since Arts Award is still not running.

A Solo Anniversary

We celebrated our 32nd Wedding Anniversary last Sunday, it's the first time we have ever been parted on this day.  It made me think of those who have lost loved ones or those serving in the forces and are away from their families.  We did get to have our usual WhatsApp catch up in the evening and that was lovely.

Breaking News ...

... Dave walked with a frame last week, the first time since July!  On Monday he walked 2x3m, on Wednesday 2x4m and on Friday 2x5m, so with a bit of luck he could be home on the 19th November as planned :-)