Wednesday 11 March 2020

Wednesday Wonderings

Is Covid-19 actually infectious before the symptoms appear?  Sara rang this morning to inform us that they have to self isolate for fourteen days.  Apparantly one of their clients eventually tested positive for the virus.  The only contact they had was when he passed them a cup of tea but it is suspected the virus can remain on surfaces for up to seven days.  Thankfully they are still able to garden for clients that are not around when they visit and they are not under house arrest provided they stay away from public areas.  They are fortunate to live near a wood and are not far from the sea, so at least they can get Ollie out and about.  Sadly we will miss his second birthday on Sunday, so we suggested a FaceTime video call and a catch up one they are out of quarantine.

Attempting to a make a difference:  as a result of the General Election and Brexit debacle we joined the Labour party just after Christmas.  Our reasoning was twofold, we wanted to vote for the next Labour leader and their deputy and to have access to a Christian campaigning arm within Westminster.  Christians on The Left are affiliated to the Labour Party and are commited to promoting Gospel values of Social Justice, peace and Stewardship of the earth and finances, so in short it was a no-brainer!  We cast our vote last night and are praying for a good outcome.

The positive aspects of Social Media:  I am grateful for lovely friends here and those I have made in other places notably Instagram and Twitter.  As a result of these connections one kind hearted lass has offered her time regarding an application for a possible venture. I try not to use this space as a ranting zone but due to the Government austerity measures in 2013 I was forced off a sickness benefit (which I was entitled too) and the best option was to register as self employed. 

I know that my knitting and sewing skills are of a good standard, but everyone is crafting.  You only have to type an item in a search bar on Etsy or Folksy and you are awash with potential suppliers!  My best and fairest paid job was blogging and running the social media for the now defunct Mindfulness for Christians.  However I am acutely aware that whatever I do has to fit around my own unpredicatable health and my caring role for some family members and therefore a 'regular' part time role is a non starter.  Even though I wouldn't call myself a natural business person, I do believe that I am capable of learning with the right support and input.  Keeping everything crossed that my application will be successful.

Thankful for the #40acts prompts.  Yesterday was 'Chocolate Tuesday' and it was also a catch up day with my GP.  She was really pleased to here that I had returned to the icon painting and taken up playing the guitar.  She also suggested some potential courses should the venture above not turn out; its always good to have a plan B!  I have been given the website details for a stress management course and she has also referred me to a pain clinic for my long term health condition.  At the close of the meeting I delved into the bottom of my bag and handed her a box of Roses chocolates :-)  I briefly explained about the challenge and thankfully she loves chocolate!   #itsthelittlethings 


doe said...

Hello San, Here's to feeling positive and that one can make a difference. Many of the churches in my neighborhood (and the one we attend in Brooklyn) are dedicated to social justice, peace and good stewardship. xoxo

I hope all goes well with your work application, and that Sarah and everyone stay healthy. I think so much of this virus is unknown.

I'm glad your GP visit went well . . and Chocolate Tuesday? I need to look that up! Sending you a big hug xoxoxo

sustainablemum said...

I do hope you all are able to keep away from the virus San, that is the last thing you all need. I do hope that Sarah and Tom stay virus free too.

Sandra Ann said...

Yes, my hands are raw from all the washing and bleaching of handles and light switches! We have stopped going to church for the time being but we still attended arts award this afternoon as it is a small group. We also have good supplies of herbal stuff and vitamins. Doing our bit and praying in between xx

Sandra Ann said...

Yes trying to stay positive as best we can. 40 acts is where you need to look. Thanks for the hugs xx

doe said...

Okay, I'll check out 40 acts. Stay well and lots of love xoxo

elli said...

Love and prayers for you San ... I hope and pray your family stays healthy during this season of regular 'flu and C19 ... My young ones and I are all down with the regular flu — as we are most winters!! — which is an awful one this year.


Eva said...

Good luck with the job application! How is Sarah doing? Did you know there is a St. Corona, who is the patron saint of epidemics? The virus has finally reaches Western New York. I just hope it won't spread too rapidly. It is so rural here, not many hospitals, and those we have are not equipped to handle something like this.

Unknown said...

The job application did not work out so I will continue plodding in the craft room! Sara, Tom and Oliver are fine but their client isn't doing well and has contracted Sepsis and is in ICU. Thank you for the Saint info, I will look them up and enlist their help :-) All the info seems to indicate that it is spreading rapidly and that is the problem, hope you all stay safe and thank goodness for online friends and communities xx

Eva said...

That is too bad! How is the client doing? Is it an older person? We no many people here without internet at home. That is a huge problem these days. All the Amish too, I wonder what they are doing.