Sunday 15 March 2020

Is Your Contact Really Necessary?

During the Second World War propaganda posters appeared and their job was to inform, motivate and challenge.  I thought of the phrase this morning in relation to the current crisis and after having read numerous reports and theories we have decided to reduce social contact for the foreseable future.  We are aware of the Government and Public Health banking on a tipping point and at that point folk will likely be asked to self isolate but this flies against the advice from the World Health Organisation, which is to shut down sooner. 

 As you will know from reading this blog we are a family living with numerous health conditions and are more vulnerable than others to complications associated with this virus.  It hasn't been an easy decision and Ben is particularly miffed about missing college for the time being but he does understand the rationale behind our decision.  On the upside there are numerous places online that are offering some of their services for free, even The Met is streaming live opera for those who may be interested!  

Our Day One of being 'busy' has involved the usual food prep (thank you Ben) and laundry but in between we have connected with loved ones (here's looking at you: Mum and Dad, Mum, Kath and Ros!) and Pip has been undertaking a new form of illustration:

Harry was drawn using the word 'harry' as the starting point!  She followed the ideas from the 'Let's Draw' Youtube channel.

The starting point for this one was Corona Virus, although they are not adopting the 2metre rule!  


Kezzie said...

Of course it is extra difficult for you with the conditions your family has and entirely sensible to isolate. I pray God will keep you safe. Will you be ok financially? I do hope so.
I hope Ben will be able to keep up with his studies. I do worry about those studying for GCSE's and A'levels if schools close.
Is there anything I can send???xx

Sandra Ann said...

We are thankful for a small buffer of savings which will help offset the cost of online shopping. Ben should be able to complete written work with no trouble but he is a practical lad and loves working with the animals, so it won't be easy for him. Thank you for your prayers and your kind offer, we will be fine I am sure. Praying that you stay well, much love San xx

doe said...

It's the only way, San. I'm so relieved you are doing this. Our council speaker, Corey Johnson, is calling on our mayor to close the schools, as he hasn't yet amidst concerns of finding daycare for the healthcare workers and finding places for the children to receive breakfast and lunch, as so many of them depend on these meals at school. We also have many homeless school children, and accommodations must be found for them.

I'll be thinking of you! Maybe we can chat one day. If you need me for anything, please just ask. I send you a big hug xoxoxo

elli said...

Many prayers for you and yours during these trying times, San!!

Here where we are, the schools for 4yo's thru university have all shut down, and much scrambling is afoot to feed the 40-odd% who rely on school meals at breakfast and lunch and during aftercare ... and all of the homeless students, whatever will they do? ... :-( ...

I hope and pray you all stay healthy!!


sustainablemum said...

You are absolutely right to be asking this, I do have to wonder about the thought processes of some people. I was talking to a friend today (Friday) about a mutual friend who has had keyhole surgery this week who is carrying on as normal, her children have been out meeting all sorts of people......

I do hope your isolation keeps you all safe San. We have all been out and about but only to places where we are not likely to meet anyone. We haven't seen anyone face to face since Monday when things were a little different!