Monday 16 March 2020

The Best and The Worst

It is interesting to note human behaviour in response to this pandemic.  We hear of balcony musicians and artists serenading in Italy and neighbours leaving notes offering help with shopping or collecting medicines.  Conversely we also hear of people buying huge quantities of pasta and refusing to share a bag with an elderly person or baby formula milk being sold on ebay for at least twice its normal retail value :-(  Hardly surprising then that the supermarkets are now limiting items and even offering early morning shopping hours for the vulnerable and elderly.  There is enough for everyone's need but not for certain folks greed!

Needless to say we were very grateful that most of the items that we ordered were in our delivery this morning, the only two missing items were chicken breasts and toilet roll!  I had managed to purchase a pack of loo roll last Friday so we are not without. 

Pip has once again kept herself busy with her illustrations and it is great to see the progression of her work.  Ben did struggle with not being at college but he rallied after lunch and had some fun in the garden, in fact they both enjoyed some outdoor time.  Thank goodness for blue skies and sunshine, it makes this whole lock down more bearable for sure.

Maintaining contact with family members is reassuring.  We telephoned Em in Northern Spain this morning and the community is fine at the moment. However there are two Home of The Mother communities based in Madrid and Em said the city is on a total lock down which is enforced by the army and police.  She mentioned Fr Raphael's homily from yesterday and three coments particularly struck a cord, " Don't complain, be thankful and be brave."  It is true things could be a whole lot worse, we have access to medical services and sanitation, the poor folk in impoverished communities or refugee camps have nothing.

Sara, Tom and Oliver are well and were able to celebrate Ollie's 2nd birthday with friends.  That little boy is such a cheery chap, you cannot help but smile when he is around.  Naturally we weren't with them but thanks to the wonders of Whatsapp were able to see pictures of his day.

Prayers would be appreciated for our daughter Kathryn as she works flat out navigating support for the vulnerable people in her care. On top of which Mary has had a second asthma attack but due to the current guidelines associated with any cough, they are now both on self isolation for seven days. Poor Kath is having to work from home whilst entertaining a not actually sick child, it will be a challenging week for all concerned.

 Left over roast dinner vegetables and gravy from yesterday topped with our favourite herb dumplings.

 Busy weeding along the side fence.

 Mum and Son Selfie :-)

Fire Fun

Trying to keep warm over the measly flame, thank goodness for the mug of tea!

Ollie Bear Birthday Photos

 A walk to a castle.

 Helping in the garden.

 Hiding in the teepee.

 Playing with the vacuum cleaner hose!

 Tea trolley boy :-)


doe said...

Your smiling faces warmed my heart, San, and well said opening paragraph! We'll keep Kathryn and Em and all of you in our prayers. Your reusable toilet paper is very clever; thanks for sharing about it. Who made your delicious looking dinner?

Sandra Ann said...

Ben made it! He made the Sunday roast which formed the base and then the dumplings to top the stew yesterday. Thank you for your prayers they are appreciated xx

elli said...

Love and prayers for you *all*, San! Sweet Ollie looks SO much like Ben and Pip! Not surprising, I know, but still ...! :-)

Sandra Ann said...

Yeah I know he is cute, thanks for the prayers xx

Kezzie said...

Darling Ollie! What a sweetie!!! Your smiles are so beautiful! They are a joy to see! Your herby dumplings look very scrummy! CBC went to Waitrose tonight and came back with chicory, radishes and fresh sea bream and trout from the fish counter- apparently, the majority of people are too squeamish to buy fresh fish with heads- I am USELESS at taking bones out though so I was a bit tentative eating my dinner! It was yummy though. We had free kale (from the school allotment as it is going to seed) and a free broccoli from the Food cooperative at church!

Sandra Ann said...

Yeah I'm not great neither in dealing with a whole fish! It's a bit like Christmas when you don't know the day if the week but at Christmas there is usually loads of stuff on the TV and at least you can see folk! The BBC news last night announced there will be fitness classes and special educational programmes being aired, we are living in interesting times xx

sustainablemum said...

I went to do our weekly shop yesterday. I only buy a handful of things in the supermarket each week, I was shocked at how empty the shelves were. I cannot get my head round what people are thinking at the moment. Especially as there are so few cases here.

Sandra Ann said...

Yep the whole hoarding and panic buying is just awful 😞