Friday 20 March 2020

Waving From Across The Bay

We actually sallied forth today!  I could feel the crazies setting in, Ben relished the house to himself and the three of us ventured to the seaside.  It was an interesting drive as I was driving a different vehicle since ours was in the body shop; a lady had backed into me last week in the car park on Friday 13th of all days!  

It was lovely to be back in our old stomping ground on Morecambe sea front and in order to minimise any unnecessary contact I packed water bottles and some home made brownies.  Just being in the sunshine and listening to the birds was a real tonic.  The weather looks to be steady for the next few days and so hopefully many more jaunts will ensue.

Ben had made a really tasty leek and potato soup for lunch which was just the thing as we were quite cold.  After lunch the kids worked on independent tasks, Pip on her illustrations and Ben spent the afternoon setting up my new phone and transferring data.  Dave did his thing on the computer and I crashed and slept for two hours solid.  I've been dealing with an ME blip which has been exacerbated by a throat virus, thank goodness for garlic tablets, echinacea, elderberry and big doses of vitamin C.

 Waving to Family across the bay :-)

 An empty mug comes in handy as an impromptu scoop.

 Happy as a clam, although how on earth anyone would know if a clam was happy is beyond me!

 Having a go at sketching in Pip's book.

 Making a dog's head.

 YES!!  Finally I have managed to make rabbit ears, it makes a change as little miss is usually on the case!

 Realising that I have beaten her to it :-)

Sending some cheer to you all and I hope this video below gives you cause to chuckle:


doe said...

These photos brought a smile to my face, as did Italian Grandma :) It's so wonderful that you ventured forth to the sea . . the sea! the sea! the beautiful sea. the blue, the fresh, the ever free.

I hope your car gets fixed soon. Stay well and healthy. Tomorrow at noon is good for me. Is that 5 pm your time? Let's do earlier then? 11? Or Saturday is good too. Around 11 am, also?

doe said...

P.S. I'm glad you had that long nap. Maybe that's what I should try doing . .

sustainablemum said...

Lovely photos San. I am glad you are still finding ways to get out and about. There is nothing like time at the sea for restoring one. I hope your car gets fixed soon!

Loved the Italian Grandma x

elli said...

Oh how gorgeous that you were able to get out. I am happy for you and a tad envious :-) (beach going hasn't happened since the brain tumor, can't navigate on the sand at all) .... And don't you and Pip make a sweet pair! You look so alike :-)

Sandra Ann said...

Yes she is ace never fails to make me smile x

Sandra Ann said...

Dave also cannot manage the sand 😐. Yes we do look alike and she has also inherited my fiery temper, uh oh 😜

Christina said...

Hi Sandra Ann. Lovely to meet you and thank you for visiting me earlier this week. Love your windswept photos on the beach, it is just what I fancy doing, visiting the beach.

Sandra Ann said...

Thank you for popping by :-)