Wednesday 25 March 2020

That's Better

On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being horrendous and 10 being fabulous here are the following results for today:

Pain Levels 3      Happiness Levels 8 -)  

The trick was to get down to the playground first thing, we arrived just after nine and left just before ten.  Ironically I have met and spoke to more folk since social distancing, which sounds crazy but is true.  Everyday we are at the play park, the chidren's play zone has been cordoned off but we have access to the basketball/football court and we can walk around the track in the grounds.  We are the only family during our 'slot' but we wave to the two dog walkers and watched a chap clocking up laps whilst pushing his baby daughter in the pram.  Pip was itching for me to join in so knowing full well that there would be a pay back (increase in pain) I had a go in goals followed by shooting some hoops:

 I had to hitch up my skirt to play,lol!

 Once home Pip tackled her morning maths, Dave caught up with necessary admin and I had a facetime conversation with our family herbalist followed by a much needed lie down.  After lunch Pip enjoyed a Whatsapp chat with her best friend Beth and we have already devised a way for them to play snakes and ladders via the next video chat.  Whilst Pip was chatting, Dave, Ben and I sat in the front garden and cheered when Uncle Andrew appeared :-)  He was on his way South after having supported Mum H through cataract day surgery on Monday.  We practised social distancing and chatted over the garden wall and before waving goodbye he emptied his car full of goodies from Mum.

It was like Christmas!  Four bags of material for me for patchwork and dressmaking, a puzzle for the kids, a beautiful lap quilt, wrapping paper and items for making decorations, family memorabilia including birth cards celebrating Dave's birth, his first pair of shoes and a very scruffy much loved cuddly dog!  There was also four jars of yummy stewed apple and a bag of Tortilla chips. Little wonder there were smiles all round!

 This was only half the amount of fabric and Mum told me that she still has cupboards and drawers full of the stuff!!

How are you all doing?  I'm thinking and praying in particular for my very dear friends in New York.  I had a lovely Whatsapp chat with Dorina on last Friday and even got to say "Hi" and wave to her husband Greg, who like many is now working from home.  Speaking of Whatsapp our daughter Kathryn set up a family group chat and we have shared photos, thoughts and in Sara and Ben's case whacky videos; those two might be fourteen years apart but they share the same bonkers sense of humour!  There videos have kept Kath entertained and my Mum utterly confused :-) 



sustainablemum said...

It is good to hear you feeling so positive San. Technology has its upsides doesn't it, how lovely to have a family WhatsApp group that is the support we all need right now.

Your gifts from Mum look wonderful, what a lovely surprise! That should keep you all busy for a while ;)

Eva said...

Some of us also played basketball here! So good you could go out! It seems to be much warmer at your place than here. My family also has WhatsApp, but nobody I know uses it here. It must be a European thing. We don't have it and Jonathan and Charlotte know no young people using it. You really got a lot of nice things! I hope you find something to do with the fabric. New York City has been hit hard, Buffalo and Rochester also have had their share of cases. Our area has not seen many, I hope it will stay this way! We are all following the rules here.

Did you see that I posted a picture of your birthday present? It made its way here. Thanks so much. I read one saint each night before going to bed. What a lovely present.

Sandra Ann said...

So pleased the book arrived and was not subjected to quarantine!! Praying that you all stay safe and especially for Dorina in the thick of it ��. We are slowly finding our new normal and the weather at the moment truly is a gift from God XX

Sandra Ann said...

Technology really is a life line at the moment, Dave finally managed to get through to the Sainsburys vulnerable help line and we should receive an email tomorrow and hopefully we will be able to book an online shop, insert happy dance!

doe said...

Hooray for Dave's perseverance! That's wonderful about the Sainsbury's order.

I just love the pic of Uncle Andrew sitting on your fence. How did your mum's surgery go? Did you say in a prior post and I forgot?

Your park looks so nice, and that's funny about your skirt. It's good to get out and shoot some hoops. Sounds like fun :)

I'm glad the pain was down and the happiness up, and all of you must have really enjoyed going through your mom's care packages. The material looks beautiful. xoxo

doe said...

P.S. Kudos to Kathryn for setting up the family group chat. It sounds wonderful xoxoxo

elli said...

Oh how lovely to have the assorted goodies dropped off :-)

Holding you in my daily thoughts and prayers xox

Sandra Ann said...

We collected our Sainsbury order today, so chuffed! Mum's surgery went very well and she cannot get over how clear and bright objects are. I am really looking forward to making lots of lovely things with the material xx

Hi Pen, thank you so much for your prayers they are much appreciated, sending ours to you likewise xx

Kezzie said...

The thought of you playing football and those photos really made me smile! You are game!
I am so glad about the lovely things from your Mum!x