Thursday 22 December 2011

A Special Midwinter Tea

I've been promising myself a chance to join in with Dawn for a daily cuppa and moment of contemplation.  Her link can be found here: 

Well... Tuesday I had a humdinger of a migraine and unexpected but loved and welcomed guests and Wednesday we had a visit from our crazy Canon and the house was less than peaceful!!  Today however was a very different story, big sis had taken little sis into town for errands, Dave was out for a Christmas meal with a friend and Benedict and I had a very quiet house.

Dawn's teas usually coincided around four o'clock her time just as the sun was setting and that was my goal for the day but something special happened instead at 11:00am.  Benedict recognised that I was looking particularly jaded and after giving me a hug said, "Wait there."  The next minute the kettle was on the boil, the teapot was out, the fridge raided for milk and amongst the backdrop of him humming Christmas carols a special tea was prepared just for me!  I'm so glad that I ignored my interfering alter ego and let him work unaided, his smile upon entering the lounge said it all:

"Just for you mum"

That tea was the best ever and he even gave me his special mug as a treat!

By now I was sufficiently fortified so we set to in the kitchen and made butter bean, cabbage, mixed vegetable and sausage soup for lunch:

" Do you appreciate the help mum?"  Absolutely!


There was plenty to spare as Sara had met a friend from college and he'd helped with the errands in town, so it was nice to be able to offer hospitality in return.  He's a really great friend and gets on well with Benedict and Pip.  I was thankful for a sit down with Pip after lunch and was even more grateful that, Sara and Nick tackled the kitchen chaos, what a treat.
The kitchen however did not stay tidy for long as we had a birthday cake to make.  Pip naturally wanted to join in and why not since it was her cake!

 Adding the xantham gum.

"Hmm... I wonder if I can paint my big sis with this sticky mess!"

The cake is in the fridge decorated and awaiting candles for tomorrow, the birthday presents have been wrapped but I'm behind on piecing together the dolls clothes.  I somehow do not think little Miss Philippa Jo will mind as there'll be plenty of presents to unwrap tomorrow.

Advent Blessings San x


doe said...

happy birthday to you both, san. have a wonderful celebration! xoxo

arwen_tiw said...

Happy Birthday Pip! Where did three years go, hey mama? (hugs) xxx

Jacqui said...

Hope you are all enjoying the birthday after all. Sending lots of light, love and blessings to you all.

Eva said...

What a lovely surprise from Benedict. Such a big and thoughtful boy!