Friday 2 December 2011

DPP Day Two - Advent Ladder

My upload on the DPP page is this photograph:

 Busy Hands.

Our other snapshots of the day are as follows:

Lindisfarne Priory.

We worked on our Vikings programme this morning and our task was to identify why Lindisfarne Priory on Holy Island was such an easy target for the Viking invaders.  We also had to find out as much information as possible on the types of activities and work undertaken by the monks in residence at that time.  Wikipedia came up trumps with interesting links, as did English Heritage and this information page relating to Holy Island was very useful:
 Whilst I was down loading maps and pictures Benedict kept himself entertained and transformed Pip's Peter Rabbit into a Viking warrior:

 " Peter the Terrible!"

After lunch we scrambled under the eaves in the loft room and found our Advent decorations:

  Hanukkah Candles...

... and our crib minus the baby of course!

  The calm before the storm... 

...isn't that how it always is when a newborn, no matter how much wanted and loved, arrives on the scene?!!  I knit the figures four years ago as part of a Christmas gift for Benedict.  Little did we know that the following Christmas we would be welcoming another newborn babe into our home.  The knitted baby Jesus has gone AWOL so no doubt my needles will be pressed into action to rectify the problem!!
I also borrowed the following idea from this website:

and our afternoon was spent crafting this advent ladder:

"From Heaven to Earth"

 Angel design courtesy of Wee Folk Art.

We are hoping to make our own cards again  this year and for that we will be using Benedict's art work from his handmade calendar made at the start of the year:

"The Miracle of Christmas".

The camera can occasionally lie and so in the manner of "keeping it real",  here are the verbal out takes from  Number 22...

several times Pip was remonstrated for climbing on any available work surface, said child also attempted to cut a hole in my shirt assuming any pliable object was fair game(!), lessons were moaned about by littlest man of the house and general moodiness lay like an intermittent blanket of fog. 

Still  it's amazing how a cup of hot cocoa topped with marshmallow and a chocolate flake can save the day!

Advent Blessings San x


Eva said...

The star ladder is beautiful! Your crib looks almost German. Where did you get it? It reminds me of my childhood. The knitted Mary and Joseph must have been well received. I thought Mary looked a little bit like you :).

Flora doesn't cut, but write on everything. That is also quite annoying. It's getting better, though.

Sandra Ann said...

We bought the crib the year I was pregnant with Pip from Great Little Trading Company.

doe said...

what a wonderful day of holiday preparations! mary and joseph are lovely! everything looks so fun. i have to smile when you mention about little pip cutting with the scissors. korrina used to always cut her hair, and she used to write on everything too . .

hot cocoa is always a life saver!