Tuesday 14 December 2021

DPP Day 12-14 ~ A Brief Hiatus

 There was a bit of radio silence wasn't there?  When Dave had his Covid booster I thought I had the better deal at the hairdresser, well it turns out he had the better deal!  I had my Covid Booster last Thursday and whereas he had Pfizer I was stuck with the Moderna and it did not go well, hence the radio silence πŸ˜‚. Don't get me wrong I'm grateful for the opportunity to have the vaccine, I just wish I wasn't wiped out and poorly after each jab, ah well.

We have correctly identified that it is in fact the Ivabradine drug that has been causing a lot of Pip's stomach issues and her consultant has advised switching to a low dose beta blocker to reduce her heart rate.  We are currently awaiting a prescription and she had her first collapse (at home) yesterday lunchtime, not fun.  Today has been a bit better since we adopted the tactic of her lying down with her feet elevated in between her online lessons.  Needless to say we are not venturing far and to be honest wouldn't want to with the rapid spread of this Omicron variant.  Thankfully we had an online home delivery yesterday and next week I've arranged for an Aldi click and collect.

Despite the sickness we've been grateful for the spells of sunshine in between the storms of life and last night I actually managed to be in bed and asleep by 10:30pm which is nothing short of a miracle πŸ˜‚. Thanks also to the wonders of an online chronic illness community, we are once more joining in with Anna and other fellow ME people to watch Elf on Thursday afternoon, I'll have to make some savoury popcorn to share.  

Pictures from the last few days:

Day Twelve - a belated St Nicholas present a new Christmas mug for me ❤️. 

Dave has the papa gnome mug and the kids both received a gnome breakfast set of bowl and mug, I'll have to take a picture 😊. I knitted whilst keeping Pip company as she watched "Match of The Day."  We've managed to find a cheap way for her to watch her favourite team Liverpool compete in Premier League Matches, she is one happy bunny!

Day Thirteen - St Lucy Day.  I managed to adapt a recipe for St Lucy biscuits that involved switching regular flour for almond flour and using the tiniest bit of xylitol to add just a hint of sweetness, they turned out remarkably well.

Day Fourteen - this is the first time I have sat outside in nearly a fortnight!  When you're in the thick of daily chronic illness management the days often drag but when you look back you realise how times has sped by.  It was lovely just to breath the fresh air, listen to the blackbird chattering and be with my own thoughts.  I'm hoping and praying that we have turned a corner because my goodness I'm really shattered.

Stay Safe, Be Blessed x 


BLD in MT said...

Hi, Sandra. I got my Moderna booster last week and was quite wiped out by it. I know it is worth it, but it was quite a drag. I'm sorry to read of Pops continued ills--I can only imagine how stressful it must be for you all. Sending my love and prayers for improvement now that part of the problem has been identified. I haven't had St Lucia Biscuits in years! I used to have a student who worked for me in the library that would make them. I'm glad you found a way to tweak the recipe. :)

Sandra Ann said...

Hi Beth,

Really lovely to see you and thank you for your love and prayers they really are appreciated xx

BLD in MT said...

I see now that I made a name typo in my original comment--that's the worst kind of spelling error, if you ask me. I, of course, meant Pip. My apologies. <3

doe said...

I hope a corner has been turned and you are all doing better. It's good Pip can try a new medicine, and I hope you are feeling better after the booster. Greg is currently in London with Morgan. They fly home together Sunday (Morgan will be here for Christmas and then back again for school). She'll be sending you a family gift that I was able to find on your side of the pond :) Your St. Nicholas treats are sweet (I always love almond flour!) and I hope you have a fun time watching Elf xoxoxo

doe said...

(I mean: Santa Lucia treats!)

Eva said...

Sorry about the side effects of the vaccine. Is Moderna not so popular in Europe? Here it is . Veronika got her booster today (she got the Pfizer, though, because she is younger). We will see how she does tomorrow. Charlotte will get hers on Monday and then we only have Jonathan left for a booster (Flora is not old enough).

I have not had time to celebrate Lucia, but we hope we will still do it.

Good that you identified the problem with Pip's medication and you even did some knitting!

Eva said...

Those mugs are cute! Is that a special plant in the picture?

elli said...

Love and prayers for rest and healing dear San❣️πŸ•ŠπŸ™πŸ»πŸ•―

Sandra Ann said...

No apology needed!! So lovely to see you here πŸ™‚

Sandra Ann said...

Slowly we are making good in roads! Had a really insightful consultation with the nutritionist that really saved my bacon four years ago and we have a really good nutrition and supplementation plan going forward for Pip. Thanks for the family gift I will let you know when it arrives. I’m woefully behind on organising anything but with a bit of luck you’ll have something to look forward to in the New Year πŸ™‚❤️

Sandra Ann said...

Yes so grateful for our cardiologist he’s brill! As for the plant I wouldn’t be surprised if it is a weed πŸ˜‚. I just liked how it looked in the pot πŸ™‚. Over here they appear to be using Moderna and Pfizer for the booster jabs - because my immune system is often in over drive it doesn’t take much to knock me over but thankful the effects only lasted 36 hours. Hope all goes well with your crew xx

Sandra Ann said...

Thanks as always Pen xx

Eva said...

Ah, a weed, but a pretty one. I read about London's new cases. I really wonder if we will be going in mid-January or not. Jonathan also has an appointment for Monday now, but not where Charlotte will have hers. It is kind of difficult to find these booster shots in this area. You end up driving far.