Monday 3 October 2011

Aesop and Other Stories

After nearly a week of sickness for Pip and I we were finally back in rhythm this morning.  Literacy was our first subject of the day, we read from another famous five book, organised spellings into dictionary format, completed a crossword puzzle based on the same and read our fable "The crow and the pitcher" from the Waldorf kindergarten book.  Benedict's current art style is cartoon format and so the story was re-told in that same theme:

 Apparently I was not meant to help Benedict find the moral of the story, but we would have been sat in our seats all day had I not done so.  The moral is a lesson for me especially and in all honesty needs to be implemented on a daily basis!  Time was ticking and by now Dave and Benedict had an appointment elsewhere, so Pip and I played with the stacking cups and shape sorting train.  After half an hour of play she became increasingly grumpier and with great relief on both sides she settled for a lunch time nap.  This gave me much needed time to sort laundry and make the lunch.

After lunch Benedict worked on a hidden picture focusing on the nine times table:

We used a math workbook to guide us in finding the answers and it was interesting to notice the patterns involved with this particular table.  Number formatting will be a continued problem for B until I can find a way of presenting the material best suited to him.  He did enjoy providing the answers, as long as I acted as the scribe!

After a mid afternoon tea break we looked at our geography book "Violent Volcanoes" and learnt about the Mount St Helen's eruption on the 18th May 1980.  Thanks to the wonder of cyber technology we were able to view a website dedicated to this area, including today's live web cam footage of the volcano.  We are hoping to undertake some practical experiments pertaining to this subject during the course of the week.

I'm pleased with our work today especially considering I am still under the weather and Benedict's diabetes is currently exhibiting volcanic activity!!  Here's hoping for another productive day tomorrow.

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