Sunday 23 September 2012

Watching ...

... how to build a Chinook helicopter with Benedict at 10:30pm because blood sugar levels are now running at the opposite end of the spectrum and he is high!

In the past eight days I have had two full night's sleep and my average on the other nights was two hours total in each night.  It is so very frustrating that I'm unable to stabilise him and we are both so very tired.

We are in our fifth year post diagnosis and in all that time he has never once hit the recommended Hba1C three monthly blood average of 7.5mmol/l.  The nearest we got was 8.5mmol/l and that was as a result of him suffering from multiple daily hypos over a fourteen day period.  In one day alone he had five hypos and it was little wonder he looked particularly ghastly that day!!  The rest of his three monthly averages have hovered around the 9.5mmol/l and 10mmol/l and the consequences of such readings on his long term health are not good.

So I'm tidying in between worrying, making cups of herbal tea and watching and knitting, "c'est la vie".


sustainablemum said...

San, really sorry to hear that Benedict is not stabilising his insulin levels. I hope that you are able to get all the support you need from Leeds. You are all in my thoughts.

forties@heart said...

You are all in my daily prayers San, sending much love to you. I wish I could send you health and sleep, but, I pray for that, and I know God hears our prayers.
God Bless
Sister Julie xx

arwen_tiw said...

Oh sweet tired mama, we are still praying here. You are doing an amazing job. (hugs)