Friday 3 December 2010

Advent Art - Our Jesse Tree

Yesterday we made our paper Jesse Tree.  The ornaments were courtesy of:  It is a fantastic site full of ideas and printables and organised by a very clever mum.  Here is our finished attempt:

Hopefully we will light our candle , read the appropriate reading for each day and glue on the associated ornament on the tree.  We are a little late with this, ahem, so Pip and I will do some gluing this morning whilst Daddy and Benedict are at Shein's.

If you are looking for a quiet and reflective site , a chance to get away from the hustle and bustle of shopping and list making then pop in here and savour the peace:  Ann Voskamp truly has a God given gift of bringing the Holy into the ordinary.  God uses her ability to write most powerfully and through her eloquent and often humble words she points the reader back to the very source and staff of life - Our Father in Heaven.  As an extra Advent gift you can subscribe to her link and receive an e-book centred around our salvation history, the Jesse Tree Journey.

Blessings Sandra x

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