Wednesday 22 February 2023

Airfix and Lent Preparations on Ash Wednesday

 No ashes for us today as we are self quarantining until we know for sure that this virus isn't the dreaded Covid (again!). To be honest I don't believe in knowingly spreading viruses but Covid is far from the 'common cold' that it is made out to be and so staying home is the best place at the moment.

Early on in the afternoon Pip felt able to sit at the table for a short while and work on her airfix model:

I think she found it strange that one minute she felt like she was 'turning a corner' and then the next back on the sofa/bed for the rest of the day.  Viruses these days are certainly very weird!

I've had a very restful and productive day 😊. Mid morning I had a zoom meeting with some permaculture pals and it was good to catch up on projects and plans albeit against a backdrop of chronic illnesses as all three of us are living with daily limitations of some sort!  This same group are also going to be my peer review group for my permaculture design certificate since I'm not finishing alongside my original cohort.

After lunch I perused Eva's blog for lenten ideas.  My dear friend Eva has been a real source of encouragement, support and wisdom over the years and I'm very grateful for her friendship.  I have very fond memories of meeting her and the family around this time last year when they were in London for the spring term.  This year will be using the 'Mission Together Lenten Calendar 2023' and Pip has also expressed an interest in their 'Charity Chore Pay Sheet' with the idea of raising money for her sister's order in Spain.  Courtesy of our parish we were given the Lent booklet 'Walk with Me' and I'm still working through 'The Big Picture Bible Course' with my friend Shiron.  Lastly but not least I printed the 'Pray, Fast, Give' folder and accompanying idea strips.  I'm not saying we will get through everything but having a plan means hopefully we will achieve something!  If you are looking for something beautiful to listen to, then I can highly recommend my friend and author Pen Wilcock's reading of her Lent book 'The Wilderness Within You.'  Over the years Pen has gifted me many of her books and I've also bought several of them - I love the stories of the monks at St Alcuins Abbey and in this past year she has self published two further books in this series and I can highly recommend them ❤️

And whilst Pip and I were busy Poppy was doing what all cats love to do ...

... snoozing peacefully ❤️


Anonymous said...

It is lovely to read about the rhythms of your day, and all that you do whilst managing challenges on a daily basis
Your Permaculture group sound very supportive
And Pips Airfix looks like a very satisfying project
I am reading tonight to distract myself from the most brutal of days
Tonys Oncologist told us today that he was too unwell for further Chemotherapy, and that there are no alternative treatment options available to him , so he has been discharged from their service . The Palliative Care team will now focus on pain management as he transitions into the last weeks of his life
It is brutal. I cannot quite believe it, and so I take refuge and solace in blogs , and try to forget that my husband is dying
I pray not for more time ( as this might mean more pain) , but for a peaceful death surrounded by love
I am heartbroken
Siobhan x

Sandra Ann said...

Sending you so much love Siobhan, I am so very sorry that nothing more can be done to help Tony. My prayer too is that pain will be managed successfully and I am grateful that the snippets I post here are a comfort to you during this very difficult and distressing time xx

BLD in MT said...

Did we "meet" online because of our common connection to Pen? She's a gem. I listened to the first day of her readalong. I'm pleased you shared Eva's blog. I shall start following along there. I'm learning German and love the dual language aspect along with the homey, humble topics that I saw when I was over there just now. Huzzah for blog friends!

Thinking of you and yours--best wishes for you all.

BLD in MT said...

Sending my sympathy to you, Siobhan. Sending prayers of peace for you. <3

Anonymous said...

That is very kind. Thank you. Prayers are very welcome x

Sandra Ann said...

Hi Beth, yes we did 'meet' online through Pen's blog and I'm so happy to read that you are now following Eva, most definitely Huzzah for blog friends ❤️❤️❤️

Eva said...

Jonathan would love that plane! So great that you could get the "Mission Together" calendar! And I love the "pray, fast, give" folder. I posted a link to a new booklet we are using this year, one that is for teens. I will also do some specific tasks, though, but have not had a chance to get them out. I will either use the "pray, fast, give" folder or a Lenten chain I have used in the past, but not in recent years. And I am hoping to read "The Little Flowers of Saint Francis" because that book fits in with our medieval studies right now. I got it from the library on campus on Friday. I am glad that my Lent ideas are still resonating with people.

P.S. And I hope whatever Pip has is not Covid!

Kezzie said...

I thought the cat was going to get in the box!!!!!
The plane looks cool! That's lovely about Eva!x