Friday, 5 August 2011

End Of Week Round Up

I'm plodding through copious notes, blogs and links as part of the planning process for this next home school year.  I must admit to being just a tad grumpy and tired from diabetic management and the thought of sitting down at the end of a long day does not totally appeal, but I know if I don't do it, I'll regret it come September.To provide some cheer and encouragement  I found two great posts on planning one is from an all time favourite:

By Sun And Candlelight 

This gal turns planning into a work of art!  As a result of following Dawn, I found this lovely blog and as an added bonus she's lives on my side of the UK!

Under An English Sky 

and I then found a link for this site:

There is such a lot of goodness on the net and it makes the home schooling journey a less isolating place.

Benedict has worked hard in his daily swimming lessons and has gained heaps of confidence in the pool.  He's booked in for another set of sessions next week so with a bit of luck he might have "nailed it" by the end of the week.

He also worked with Shein as usual on Thursday morning, they were looking at fractions and from that the concept of visual markers on a clock face clicked!  Quarter pasts and quarter to were previously a  sticking point so well done Benedict for making the connection.

Apart from the above we  seem to have done little else but chase our tails with hospital appointments, paperwork and household management. We did however enjoy a trip to Barton Grange Garden Centre and we finally had an ice-cream treat from toppings and treats!

 The boot of the car makes an ideal sitting down spot, Pip was to the right of the picture in the shopping trolley and Sara was our photographer for this shot!

Apart from food shopping tomorrow I'm hoping for a relatively hassle free weekend... well a girl can dream can't she?!


Shirley Ann said...

Hi San,

Thank you for mentioning my blog and adding me to your sidebar! I agree, the cyber community can be great. Seeing all the wonderful things that other creative homeschool mamas get up to helps me in my own homeschooling and home management! Have a great week-end.
Shirley Ann

Susie said...

Good luck with you planning, those sites look pretty good :-)