Friday 3 April 2020

All The Good Things

Dave's wrist has healed and he is back to using the tri walker (aka Wheelie Bin) around the home, yay!

The raised beds arrived today and a painting job is in order before they are constructed.

When it became apparent that our whirly gig washing airer was not going to fit onto the back lawn (due to the previous owners tipping rubble onto the lawn from the demolished garage and then layering geo textile and lawn over the top) Ben found a brand new washing line in Dave's workshop; I now have two fully functioning lines!  Since moving in just under two years ago I have been making do with the small camping airer.  Who would have thought such joy could be found in a washing line :-)

The home school classroom has been pretty productive this week: Ben has completed all of his online college work, Pip hit all of her maths, English, art and music targets and they both enjoyed working together on outdoor projects.

Dave and Pip spent an afternoon planting seeds, they are currently in situ under the radiator in the dining room.

Pip and I finally tried our first Joe Wicks PE work out and that guy has you working up a sweat and increasing your heart rate.  I love the fact that the work outs can be done in a relatively small space and require no special equipment.

I finished my rainbow coloured bunting and I'm now working on an amigurumi weather mobile.  It is the first time I have worked in 3D crochet and I'm really pleased with the result thus far.

Our friend from St T's church dropped off a much appreciated bag of fresh vegetables from the church food bank, Ben made a really yummy soup with some of the contents.

So thankful for both a Sainsburys and Bradshaws food deliveries this week. 

Once again most of our meals this week have been courtesy of top chef Ben and he really excelled himself this evening with home made gluten free fish and chips.  The battered fish was light and not too greasy and the spicy salt, pepper and chilli chips were utterly yummy.  The only thing missing was tartare sauce!

 This pattern was from the Attic 24 website and is the 'baby bunting' pattern.

 Fish, chips, onion rings, garden peas and a slice of lemon.

Tucking in complete with funny faces :-)

Thank you for stopping by, I hope your week has had moments of joy interspersed with the crazy.  #staysafe #stayhome


doe said...

What a delicious looking meal! And I love tartare sauce!

I'm so glad Dave's wrist has healed, and your workout sounds great. It's good to get the heart rate going. I've been doing a ballet class with one of the dancers from New York City Ballet. It works well in the small space I have.

I used to have a lovely little patio garden when we lived in Brooklyn, which I miss. I look forward to seeing how your veggie garden does.

Stay well and healthy, dear San. I hope you've been sleeping okay these past few nights.

doe said...

P.S. I love the banner!

elli said...

What a relief about Dave's arm ... prayers and love

MusicatChadwell said...

I missed this post last night! Oooh, the fish looks delicious- well done Ben! Your bunting is beautiful.
Very glad to hear home learning targets are being met!