Wednesday 8 April 2020


It's been a tiring few days and I wonder where the time goes!  We are keeping well and safe and very grateful for the support from St Thomas church in Garstang and other folk that have been checking in to make sure we are OK.  I hope and pray that some of the changes that have been made during this difficult time will continue once the lockdown is over and that chronically sick and disabled people will no longer be sidelined.  If companies can provide flexible home working for all at this time then why not for those of us disenfranchised on a daily basis?  If online classes are free since schools are closed then keep that offer available for home school families once we return to 'normal.' Many churches are streaming their services online and it is quite special to be joining in with folk all around the country, this too in my opinion needs to be remain once this is all over.  Just some random ramblings from a tired mum :-)

Here are some pictures from the past few days:

 Pip playing snakes and ladders with Beth via Whatsapp, she moved Beth's piece and likewise Beth moved hers.  They also each had a Harry Potter quiz book and so asked each other questions and kept score.

Pip and I colouring the images for 'The Spies and Espionage' lap book.  We are keeping up with maths, spellings and reading interspersed with 'fun school' activities during the Easter break.

Guest appearances from Ollie and Mary both in separate places in the county:

#staysafe #stayhome


Kezzie said...

My dad was saying that about church services too! I agree about the home schooling resources too.
By the way, I'm sure you've got music covered etc, but you're welcome to have a look at my school music blog- I've tried to do some different activities for the kids these past few weeks and there's some old resources too, though maybe not as detailed as the current lessons.

doe said...

Hello San, your days sound full of love and rewarding work even amidst this difficult time. You're a wonderful mum. And it would be good for these resources and events to remain online afterwards :) I love the pic of Pip playing snakes and ladders with her friend, and Ollie's and Mary Grace's smiling faces are a joy.

sustainablemum said...

I can't help wanting there to be some changes after we return to normal life, but there is a part of me that thinks that everyone will want to go back to how it was before. I do hope that is not so as, like you, I do hope that some of the amazing things that have come out of this will continue long term.

elli said...

It has definitely been on my mind, San, that when this is over, I and all the others like me, will still be homebound, and invisible once more. Actually, I think we're still invisible now, to great extent. There is such flutter and noise about 'what do we do, stuck at home for weeks?' absent the awareness that homebound disabled and chronically ill folks live like this for a lifetime ...

Your grandbabies are getting so big! :-)

Love and prayers!