Wednesday 28 May 2014

Blogging from the phone

Dave is away Edinburgh and today has been a very challenging day.  It came on the back of a mammoth town visit yesterday to talk wedding plans and visit the florist with Tom's mum.  I came home from that lovely visit absolutely shattered and could barely string a sentence together!  Today was a chaotic start getting to the station, followed by food shopping, unloading the car, making lunch, checking that a wedding dress fits, ironing, more food prep and a fifteen minute snooze before the tea and bedtime scramble.

I have not been at my best today and "lost it" several times with the kids.  There has been a whole heap of sorrys and eating of humble pie.  The saving grace was catching a live webinar between Dr Perrin from Classical Education and Sarah Mackenzie "Amongst Lovely Things" about teaching from a state of rest.  I listened and knitted.  The chat box was open but I find them irritating and a distraction from the matter at hand.  The talk has given me plenty to think about during these forthcoming weeks.

As I had finished listening I went into Benedict's room to declare "Lights Out" after all it was ten in the evening!  I removed the pile of books and Legos from his bed and just as I was leaving he whispered, "Hug please mum". His words and those few moments of peace more than made up for the irritations of the day.  

Thank you Benedict for ministering to your mum xx


Sue Elvis said...

San, there is nothing better than a hug. They fix everything! Sorry to hear you're overtired. I hope you feel better soon. xx

doe said...

hello san! i hope the week gets better. i'm glad you found peace before going to sleep :) i love those moments when chanda has asked for a hug when i've been less than stellar! i'm glad benedict did too. love and a big hug . .