Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Yarn Along and a Long Overdue Yarndale Post

 It has been a while but here I am yarning along! I am  knitting something for me, some cheerful looking socks, using wool hand dyed by these folk in  "watercolour." 

Having heard Esther speak nearly a month ago, I am still slowly reading my way through this book and to be honest, it will need several reads for me to fully absorb and attempt to put into practise some of the things suggested!  Never mind though, I am quite happy to be a work in progress and any improvement is better than none at all!

After taking ages to finish a sleeve and weave in the ends, I was able to give Kathryn her long overdue birthday present!  Would you believe it, I started this project when Pip had the noro virus way back at the beginning of the year!  I had completed over three quarters of it, before Gracie appeared and then completely lost my knitting mojo, when all else around me was falling apart, myself included.  So you can imagine, it was a complete relief to cast off this project once and for all:
At one point there were over four hundred stitches on the needles.
I love the cross over shaping at the front.
Here is the lovely lass, modelling her cardi.
Speaking of Kath, she has also taken up knitting and has progressed quite quickly from knitting squares, to hats and then finally an aran cardi for Gracie:
My mum helped out a little bit, but what a fab job.
Last but not least, my Yarndale trip.  If you pop over on to this site you'll get a real flavour of the event.  Surprisingly for me I did not take many pictures, I think it was a case of being exhausted from diabetes checking at two hourly intervals during the night and due to overwhelming numbers of people and stalls, I actually reached sensory overload and could not think straight!  I would definitely go back next year and it was a real treat to spend the day with my lovely friend Debs:

Yarndale Bunting.
Lucy's Attic 24 Corner.
Lovely llamas and their wool ~ I would love to have a rug made of their fleece, totally scrumptious!
Debs bought some black llama wool to make herself a pair of wrist warmers.
Fluffy Angoras.
No wonder the wool is so expensive, it must take a whole lot of angora hair to make one ball of wool. 
So, that's me up to date, I'm know off to knit a few more rows before bed, tootle - pip!



Eva said...

Impressive knitting accomplishments!! How long does it take you to knit socks? The Yarndale trip looks interesting. It's just for people selling yarn, then? We have a similar event in the area, we went once, but didn't make it this year. Ours is always outside.

Sandra Ann said...

I can knit a pair within a week provided there aren't too many distractions going on at home.

Not only was there heaps of yarn but there were handmade buttons, lace workshops, rag rug making, mugs, bags and quilts. It was a cacophony of colour!

Eva said...

I am in awe!!

By the way, you must be up early!!

Sandra Ann said...

Yep! Pip woke for a drink and settled in my bed, I am in her bed now unable to sleep!! So it is nice chatting to my dear friend across the pond!


Eva said...

That is so funny, to be writing at the same time! I'm still waiting for a phone call from Peter, telling me that he made if safely to San Diego. It's a long trip, like going overseas. Other than that it is bedtime for me. I need at least one good night's sleep. Flora is finally asleep. She was very weak all day, coughing a lot.

Sandra Ann said...

Big, big hugs to you both. If things quieten for you during the Christmas break, maybe we could Skype it would be lovely to catch up in 'person'


Anonymous said...

Beautiful knitting. (I love those socks!) So much goodness here. xoxo

sustainablemum said...

So many lovely projects you have on the needles or have completed. I decided Yarndale would not be for me cos of all the people I too would have found it overwhelming it does look amazing from the pictures.

doe said...

it's nice to hear about what your knitting. you work much more quickly than me. i also have been wanting to put up a yarn along post, but keep forgetting . . yarn along and martinmas . . maybe i can get them both done by this coming wednesday! i liked your catch up with eva! you were up late! i'm such a mess when i don't get a good night's sleep these days . . which means i need to sign off here and go to bed now :) but before i go: kath looks beautiful in your beautiful sweater!

doe said...

and please tell her congrats on her cardi! it's just lovely!

Shirley Ann said...

I love that cross over top too San! Very pretty. You were at Yarndale!!! Arrrg - I so wanted to go this year, I have read all my favorite bloggers accounts and have resolved to go along next year! Would be great to meet up there if you decide to go again ;o) - I am off to the knitting and Stitching Show on Saturday in Harrogate - can't wait!

Eva said...

Sure, that would be lovely, We do have a break from Christmas until early April. Can you skype with a camera?

devonmama said...

You've been making some lovely things San! I can only imagine the weight of the 400 stitches you had on your needles at one point, but it was worth it eh, such a great cardi! Looks like a fab day out too, so colourful xxx

Sandra Ann said...

Yes we have a webcam on the laptop, so we can chat face to face. Feel free to email a suggested time once things have settled and you are on the Christmas break.

San xx

Eva said...

Don't know why I wrote early April!! I meant early January of course! April is almost the end of the second semester.

Peter has a camera in his laptop and we have used it when he was in Switzerland, but it doesn't always work so well. I will e-mail you when I know more about how our break will look like.

Sandra Ann said...

Yeah I did wonder why you were having such a long break!! I think you are ready for your Thanksgiving break!!!

Hannah said...

I love the socks and your shift of focus turned out well - it's an interesting pattern, isn't it?
Yarndale is definitely worth a visit later on on the Sunday if you're not a fan of crowds. The afternoon had a much more relaxed feel as the majority of the crowds had started journeying home.