Wednesday 14 September 2016


The kids managed to complete their studies before lunch and a good job too as the humidity was very oppressive.  My headache started whilst I was at my weekly swim session and gradually progressed into the start of a migraine.  A rest after lunch and the appropriate medicine soon knocked it on the head!!!

Pip did a great job fetching and carrying and once I was up and about we enjoyed a lovely mid afternoon snack in the shade at the side of the house.  She then took herself off in the garden to play with "Witch" her long standing imaginary friend and a box of Lego friends, I managed to capture the moment:

 "Oh to be a kid again!"

1 comment:

doe said...

Definitely :) So sweet! We've had humid weather again also, and now we're heading down to Floriday tomorrow to see Greg's family. His mom said it was very hot and humid. His dad has been ill with pancreatic cancer so we're flying down to see him for the week. I hope it gets a little cooler for you and your headaches stay away. We send love to all of you! xoxo