Monday 24 July 2023

Brunches and A New Look Bedroom

 On Saturday morning as planned, Pip and Dave made our brunch breakfast, for my part I popped to the local Co-Op for clotted cream, raspberry jam and chocolate spread.  The chocolate spread was £4.00 for the jar!  Shows how often we buy treat food 😂

Dave being silly 🙃 

On Sunday it was my turn to cook so we had Swedish meatballs, home made cranberry sauce (from frozen cranberries left over from Christmas) and carrots.  We've been following the intermittent fasting regime to try and help with some health issues, so we usually eat between the hours of 12-6pm and it is working quite well.

Here is Ben's new room, I so wish I'd taken pictures of the before - it was a hodge podge of boxes and random mismatched furniture.  He is very pleased with his room, all organised and super easy to clean!  He even has additional storage drawers under his bed 😊. It is always difficult to get lighting right especially at the close of day during the 'golden hour.'  I would say that the bottom photo is the best representation of the colours used, two very different shades of grey - the darker of the two colours on the wall behind his bed.  

The old furniture is still in pretty good condition, so we have offered it to an organisation that furnishes homes for refugee families, they are already interested in a fold up table which used to be in the school room in the old house, and is no longer needed.


Angela said...

I love the new bedroom (not quite as much as my own, obvs.). Yes, I know what you mean about "treat" food. £4 a jar?!? I always loved having my children around more in the summer holidays. Family time is very precious

Eva said...

Your food looks yummy! Is chocolate spread "Nutella"? All food is really expensive here too, now. Great job with Ben's room! Now he even has room for his tools :).

Anonymous said...

The food and the room look amazing . Well done to all involved . Dave looks a bit like Sherlock Holmes in the photo - solving a mystery !
My daughter goes to shops like B and M and Poundland for Nutella - and often gets a much better price ( but watch the best before dates)
B and M was also the only place that we could find Tonys favourite sweet treat - so I will always feel some allegiance for that
Siobhan xx

Lynda said...

All this food talk is making me hungry. Guess I'd better go and cook something :)
And Ben's room looks great! xx

Kezzie said...

The room looks amazing! The food also! Whoa, the chocolate spread sounds expensive!!!!!
What was Dave up to? xx

Kezzie said...

P.S. Would you like my Kate Shackleton collection? I have the first 7 books I think. Happy to pass on if you would like?!x

doe said...

I love your food! You are all such talented cooks! And Ben's room looks so fresh and contemporary now. It must feel good to have it done. It's very freeing to give away the things we no longer need and simplify our lives, and also nice to be able to find things again!