Saturday 10 December 2022

COVID and Possible Strep In Da House

 Both Ben and Pip are on penicillin for suspected strep throat.  The GP that saw Pip ran a throat swab but it was late Thursday evening so no results as of yet.

Pip and I started to feel unwell at the same time, sore throat, swollen glands, coughing and fever. I began to suspect something might be up when I had two days of crazy tachycardia my resting heart rate was 115-120 and when I tried to get up to the bathroom it shot up to over 140 bpm.  Apparently I did two lots of 60 minute work outs during the course of those two days 🤪. Last night I ran a Covid test and within a minute the second line appeared as did Pip’s test.  It looks like Ben has been the carrier since he goes to college.  Her and I are camping out in the lounge and I’m so grateful for herbalist supplies from our herbalist and the vaccine.  

So far Dave is COVID free, praying he stays that way 🙏


Eva said...

Oh, how unfortunate! I hope that Dave will stay Covid free as well. Has Ben tested positive? When Miriam was positive in Germany, nobody else got it and when Charlotte was positive here at home, again, nobody else got it. It is a crazy virus! Good you managed to get the booster vaccine. Praying for a speedy recovery!

Sandra Ann said...

Hi Eva, Ben has now tested negative. I must admit I didn’t think to test him when he first became unwell as strep throat was at the front of my mind. I dread to think what we would have been like without the vaccine 😕. Pip’s air way has been slightly constricted because of strep but today she isn’t sounding like a seal. I haven’t ventured from the bed unless I’ve had to, feeling dizzy and whacked today. Hopefully we’ll be feeling much improved by the time her birthday and Christmas comes around.
Our lovely neighbours bought extra supplies of ginger beer, lollies and pain meds today and our cleaner has messaged also to help ❤️

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that you have tested positive
I send love and prayers for a swift recovery
The news of so many children dying of Strep A this month has broken my heart
Well done for getting Pip to the GP quickly
I hope Dave is able to stay well and negative
Stay warm. Drink lots. Watch bad TV
Always works for me
Siobhan x

Sandra Ann said...

Thanks Siobhan for your loving thoughts and prayers. I originally held back but when I was buying ice pops at the supermarket before I knew I had covid (I always wear a mask) a lady commented on all the cold things and when I mentioned Pip she shared a story about her friend’s daughter who deteriorated rapidly. When I got home and checked her throat again things had changed significantly and that was it straight on to the phone for an appointment and saw the GP 15 minutes later. Reading about the antibiotics shortage is really scary. Sending hugs to you and Tony, stay safe xx

Kezzie said...

Oh Goodness San, that's all you need! Sending you love and healing prayers. CBC is not well either- he's got a rotten throat. He's had SUCH a busy week at school and is very run down. I hope you get better soon and that you will have supplies from kind neighbours. xx

Eva said...

So Pip has strep and Covid? Or is the sore throat caused by Covid? We will light a candle in church for you tomorrow. Sending you a big hug! Get better soon!

Sandra Ann said...

Sorry to hear hubby isn’t well Kezzie.

GP suspects strep as her throat and tonsils were very swollen, even I could tell there was something wrong when I looked in her throat. Within 24 hours of penicillin she could swallow and gradually her airway was less constricted. Ben’s throat was flecked with red spots and despite having a really painful throat and really enlarged glands my throat is clear. It was only on Friday I became suspicious and checked for COVID, Dave has now tested positive! So far he is faring better than the rest of us 🙂

sustainablemum said...

Oh boy San, that all sounds very scary. I do hope you are all improving and continue to do so as we countdown to Pip's birthday and Christmas.

doe said...

Dearest San . . catching up with you here on the blog! I'm hoping that today found all of you a little better and that Dave continues to fare well and is back to normal quickly. Always around the holidays, isn't it?! Chanda is still a bit run down and has an appointment with a general practitioner Tuesday (she went to an urgent care clinic since the doctor's appointment wasn't available right away). She also had a very sore throat and took medication even though the strep test was negative.
Poppy and Pip look very cozy together. Sending you lots of love xoxoxo

Eva said...

You should not get Covid and strep at the same time, that is simply too much :))).