Friday 23 December 2022

Happy Birthday Pip

 Pip celebrated her 14th birthday today.  Normally we would have an 8:30 am mum and Pip photo by the dining table (where she was born 🙂) but not today - I was still in bed at that time!  Pip opened her present from us with Dad in attendance and she then set about decorating the tree.  Dave made her birthday cake - there’s always a first time and it was thoroughly delicious.  I spent the day horizontal on the sofa, not only does my heart rate go whacky if I try to move at my normal speed but I’m having to use a walking aid in the home due to balance issues and numbness in my feet and weakness in my legs.  Thankfully Nanna H is here for Christmas and Pip’s friend Beth spent the day with us so all good ❤️


Kezzie said...

Happy Birthday Pip! How is she 14?!!?!
The cake looks scrummy!
I hope you are better soon. You look very tired in the picture- you have so much on!
I have to tell you about my dream.
So, I dreamt that you and I were both coming to a place coincidentally (I THINK LOndon but wasn't sure!) and we were both staying in this big building which seemed a bit like the Barbican inside with lot of walkways and open spaces and stairways. We unexpectedly saw each other on the way to somewhere, we were so excited and saw each other from opposite walkways. Spent most of the rest of the dream trying to find you and never managed to in the end as it seemed a bit like Labyrinth (reminds me of trying to get to the church St Giles, Cripplegate in the middle of the Barbican- really hard to get to!). I was SO annoyed when I woke up and I hadn't managed to get to you!


doe said...

Happy Birthday Pip and San too :) It's good to see your smiling faces (Hello Poppy!) and wonderful that Nanna H is with you for Christmas. We hope you're feeling better each day, San. (And the cake looks great!)

Sandra Ann said...

Hi Kezzie, I love the dream story - I’ve had similar where you are trying to get to someone and it doesn’t quite happen! I’m sure we will meet in person one day ❤️. I hope you have a really lovely Christmas and manage to have a much needed rest xx

Hi Dorina, thanks for the birthday wishes and loving thoughts xx

sustainablemum said...

Happy Birthday to Pip, it sounds like she had a lovely day.

I am so sorry to hear that you are still feeling so unwell, that sounds really hard San. I do hope you manage to have a good Christmas xx

Eva said...

Happy birthday, Pip! What kind of picture did you give her? The cake looks yummy. Is it a chocolate cake? I hope your heart rate will improve soon.

Sandra Ann said...

The picture was a Hannah Dunnett painting - she is a Christian artist that incorporates prayers and bible passages in her work ❤️. The cake itself was an orange and almond cake topped with orange flavoured dark chocolate, utterly yummy 🙂

Eva said...

Thanks! The cake sounds like a wonderful treat.