Friday 31 July 2020

Frazzled :-)

Firstly an update:  an MRI scan has shown that Dave has three hairline fractures in his sacrum which also indicates onset of osteoporosis, which is not uncommon in MS patients who are no longer fully mobile.


My brain has turned to mush and there are moments in the day when I just cannot think straight.  However I have got to grips with the online banking, excel spread sheet and have made a revised budget, so go me!

As the days drag on the kids are struggling and yet despite that they are trying their best and sometimes we even manage to laugh at something funny.

I am not convinced that Dave is in the best place for his care.  It has taken the nursing staff virtually all week to time his morphine dose half an hour before the physios arrive and today they got it right but the physios did not turn up!  As a result he had been given a double dose of morphine that was not necessary :-( He will have no physio visits over the weekend so the next time he is given the opportunity to stand will be Monday, two weeks after the accident.  He managed to stand with a special frame yesterday for two minutes.

 I am really grateful for our NHS and appreciate that folk are working under extremely difficult circumstances but even so the lines of communication are poor. With this in mind it might mean the best place for him is in fact the Neuro rehab facility in Preston which is the same travel time from here to the current hospital, Lancaster. 

I'm really grateful for mum being here and as I type she is enjoying herself pottering in the garden, thank goodness someone is keeping the plants alive!  I'd hate for Dave to come home to a desert!!

Well I shall sign off, I have some friends popping over for a socially distanced chat and cup of tea in the garden.  Thanks to Dave's organising skills mum and I have Gardener's World to look forward to once the kids are in bed.

Thanks for reading and caring xx 


elli said...

Oh, San. I am so sorry to hear of the hospitalization woes. How very difficult indeed, knowing he needs better care, and having to sort out the the where and how to get him there etc! I am praying for you all of course! Such a terribly difficult time already. Big {{hugs}} and prayers for all. I will breathe and pray, and lean on the Lord for you and with you! xox

Eva said...

I hope you had some nice time with your friends. And I do hope that Dave will get to go to Preston! It all must be hard to go through. Prayers and hugs!

doe said...

Oh, San, I'm sorry this is such a difficult time. I hope things get better soon. I'm glad Mum is there to help and enjoys puttering in the garden, and that you had a visit with friends and got to enjoy the Gardener's World. It must be hard for Pip and Ben but it sounds like they are true troopers. Kudos to you with the banking chores. We'll keep you in our prayers and I hope the switch to Preston goes smooth, if that does end up happening. Please tell Dave we're thinking of him and praying for a good and strong recovery.

doe said...

In regard to the heat: I have a terrible time adjusting now that I'm older to summertime. It gets very hot here in NYC. I saw that it was in the 90's (32 and up) by you today? Or at least in London . . that's a bit south :P I hope it stays cool for you. I'm happy here if it's 89 (31) or less. Of course humidity and the dew point has a lot to do with it also.

Sandra Ann said...

Thank you Penelope, we have days where things are bobbing along nicely and then there are days where it all gets a bit too much 😜. Your prayers are really appreciated at this time xx

Sandra Ann said...

It was lovely to see friends and I WhatsApp video called Dave so that he could have a virtual mug of tea with us. He’s promised Mark a beer when he escapes prison!! Jen and I are long overdue a spa day 😂. Thank you for the prayers and hugs xx

Sandra Ann said...

Thanks to the smart phone, Dave checks in on the blog so he will be able to read your loving words in person. We had quite warm weather yesterday but it was a humid heat which I struggle with, give me dry heat any day 🙂. It’s cloudy at the moment but I hope the sun puts in an appearance as we are all sick of the grey weather. Sending much love to you all xx

Lynda said...

Thoughts and prayers are with you San. And Dave and the family. xx

Sandra Ann said...

Thanks Lynda they are much appreciated 🙂

Dave22Fair said...

Message from the front (passed by the camp censors). Emma (Sr Emma Maria SHM) rang me last Sunday. It was her and Kathryn's birthday. Emm doesn't normally have a mobile, but she was in Granada making a film. It was lovely to hear her voice, but she said it was 48deg C there and she was wearing her full normal habit. No shorts and tee shirt, but sandals but sandals are definitely essential! End of message:Dave (Inmate25,Stalag Lancaster Suite)

Dave22Fair said...

Repeated use of the words 'but sandals' might be a hidden coded message...

sustainablemum said...

San, I am so sorry to read this and to be rather late in doing so. I do hope that you might have been able to start the process to get Dave moved to Preston very soon. Such a worrying time for you all, you are in my thoughts xxx

Sandra Ann said...

Physios turned up yesterday and today and it seems that they are really committed to getting Dave moving. I think their no show was a blip so here’s hoping they will stick to their plans. Thank you for thinking of us xx

Kezzie said...

Sending hugs to Dave and You! I'm sorry to hear that the care he is getting doesn't seem right for him. I hope and pray that he will be well and in the right place soon.