Thursday 23 July 2020

Hospital Again

Only this time it is Dave's turn!  He fell really badly on Monday morning and by Tuesday evening was transferred to hospital.  It looks like he has damaged his coccyx and is currently unable to stand  - there are times when even the liquid morphine doesn't touch the pain.  In addition the damage has also exacerbated the MS spasms in his legs so the consultant has prescribed Baclofen which is an anti spasmodic to counteract this.  The physios are going to try and get him moving today but working passed a horrendous pain barrier is going to be tricky.  In short he won't be home until he can stand safely and that is anybody's guess at this stage.

Dave's Mum returned home on Monday after having spent the weekend with us and then promptly returned on Tuesday evening when everything went pear shaped!!  Her presence is much appreciated as both kids are finding it really difficult right now.  I too have a steep learning curve dealing with all the online banking and even working out how to download photos from my camera, edit in Picasa and then transfer onto the blog, but I did it and so here is a photo from the weekend when all was relatively serene at this end:


sustainablemum said...

San, I am so sorry to hear this. I am holding you all in my thoughts at this really difficult time. I hope that Dave is getting the best possible care he can and that he is able to come home to you all soon. Much love to you all xxx

Sandra Ann said...

Thank you. He is being really well looked after and I managed to drop off a bag of items (including a smart phone) to reception. Having access to the internet and WhatsApp means we can video chat and that would be good for the kids to see him and me too 🙂

Kezzie said...

Oh no! Keeping you in my prayers. He is in the best place though to get the best care but it is horrible for you and the kids. I am glad his mum is there to help!

Eva said...

San, this is such bad news! We do hope that Dave will be feeling better soon and he will be able to come home soon. I wish I could come by and help. Sending you love, good nerves, and prayer!

Sandra Ann said...

Thank you lovely friend. They are thinking of checking him out with a CT scan just to check for any hairline fractures. He did manage to sit up in the adjustable bed yesterday which is an improvement and swing his legs over the side of the bed but when he attempted to stand the pain and tremors in his right leg were horrendous. The doctors have increased his medication, if they can control the pain it will help him start to regain some movement.

Sandra Ann said...

Thank you for the prayers Kezzie they are really appreciated xx

Eva said...

That is a step in the right direction! Have they done a scan? I hope he will improve every day.

doe said...

Dear San, I'm praying that they can get the pain alleviated and he can heal quickly and well, and so come home soon. Kudos to you for downloading and handling Picasa and the transfer to the blog. Online banking . . oh my goodness . . I'm covering my eyes like the monkey see no evil emoji. I know I should know this, but Greg does it and I haven't bothered. I often say to myself, "if something happens, you're going to have a lot to learn," so a big pat to you on the back. I hope he comes home soon and all of you can be together in your familiar rhythm again. I send you and Ben and Pip and Dave's Mum lots of love and a big hug.

elli said...

Oh my dear San!! I am *so* sorry to hear this news!! Am now praying mightily for Dave, for his healing and pain management, and for his carers that they be gentle and wise and kind. Prayers too for you and the children and Dave's Mum. For strength and courage. Jesus be with you!! XOX

Sandra Ann said...

CT scan shows a small fracture but orthopaedics are not unduly worried, the leg spasms with regard to the MS have worsened which is tricky, however the physio team have been given the go ahead to try and get him moving thanks for your love and prayers xx

Sandra Ann said...

Thank you Dorina, I have posted an update on Eva’s last comment xx

Sandra Ann said...

Thank you Penelope I have posted an update on Eva’s last comment, thank you for your prayers xx