September's full moon is known as the harvest moon or corn moon because of it occurring at a time when crops could be harvested by the light of the full moon. One source said that it will peak at 8:06 am tomorrow the 6th. However, According to the Farmer's Almanac, the "Harvest Moon" actually describes whatever full moon arrives nearest to the fall equinox, or the time of year when crops are traditionally harvested. Most years, that is the full moon of September, but this year is an exception. October's full moon which is known as the Hunter Moon or the Blood Moon will rise 13 days after the equinox, putting it three days closer than September's full moon.
The different names for the moon.
We are following the stories from this book as well as re-reading the "The Little House" stories by Laura Ingalls-Wilder.
Pip copied the relevant passage from the book to accompany her drawings.
Continuing with the moon theme, Eva shared a link to this page which enables you to keep a phases of the moon journal for a month. As a treat break we also watched this film as a reward for all our efforts. The insert below is a trailer for the film:
"Everyone knows the moon is made of cheese!"
After lunch Pip worked with Dave on her maths problems followed by our handicraft time, learning to knit the purl stitch. We are using a really great book that teaches the different stitches and shaping technigues in a gradual progress. As a result you are incorporating the previous skills into the next project:
We finished today's lessons with a history story about Boudicca followed by some free time on the computer playing a Roblox game. The free time for both Pip and me (knitting) were well deserved :-)
Ben was also busy with his own projects in addition to making all the meals today:
Tomato, carrot, lentil and ginger soup for lunch.
Lamb casserole, with finely shredded and steamed cabbage for tea.
The kitchen was left spotless both during and after each meal prep, which was much appreciated.
Another good day, thank you God xx
Another successful day! We watched the moon rise today, so beautiful, but then clouds came. I did take pictures today, but have not had a chance to post them. We have been mulling over carpooling for four hours now!!! We will learn about wheat and ploughs tomorrow. I am taking all the different steps to make wheat grow and spread them out over the week: ploughing, sowing, wheat growing. We will be looking at some of the tools you need for this. I guess you could also move on to other grains, as suggested in Live Ed!
The knitting is great, San! We have to get back to our handwork as well.
Hi Eva thanks for all your support and encouragement. We ordered the wheat seeds :-) and I thought we would move on to rice next week. I take it that you study one grain each week is that right? Looking forward to seeing your photos xx
Hope you manage to sort the carpooling headache! :-)
HOW fascinating about the moon names!! I had no idea!!x
Once we are done with the wheat and the basics of how grain grows, I tend to go more quickly through them, one every day or every other day. I try to have the child draw a picture, compare the grain to wheat, cook a dish (well, we are mostly gluten-free also, so it does not always work), and read something about it. I have some more photos from yesterday and today, but it is too late to upload them now.
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