Sunday, 10 November 2024


 Before November runs away with me here is a snippet of the past month:

Some photos of Pip's paving and practice wall  taken from inside the workshop.

Dave and I managed a coffee date for our anniversary and gosh I do look tired in that photo!

October has been a month of trying to survive.  I sustained an injury to my pelvis whilst attempting to put Dave's mobility scooter in the car and the nerve pain was pretty horrendous.

  We changed our car in late August and although it is the same make since it is newer there have been amendments, notably it is higher up and the boot is an usual design.  As a result of these changes manoeuvering Dave's scooter is a challenge for me and it has taken five weeks of intensive physio - manipulation, ultrasound and acupuncture to sort things out.  We are now in the processes of trying to find a hoist that will work in the car and accommodate Dave's scooter and my walking aid.

Pip has continued plodding along with her exam prep for the mocks occurring at the end of November and it has been a major stress headache for us all.  Thankfully we have Pip's old math teacher on board and we chatted with the head of house at Kings Interhigh and all the staff speak highly of her and she is projected to do well.  I just wish Pip had the confidence to believe in herself and that is the biggest problem.

Knitting and reading continue to keep me going during these uncertain days and I'm grateful for the distractions.  


Eva said...

Happy Anniversary! I think this is a lovely photo of you, San! You look so young! I am sorry about your pelvis injury. Lifting heavy items like that must be hard. Good luck to Pip! It is good you have some help with her math. What kind of workshop is Pip doing? I thought it was about gardening. That looks more like construction. And what a wonderful picture of Dave! Such a beautiful smile.

Sandra Ann said...

Hi Eva, Pip is studying Landscape Design which incorporates fences, making raised beds, pathways, brick built barbecues, as well as planting tress and mowing lawns.

Thanks for the anniversary wishes and kind comments re the photos of Dave and I xx

Anonymous said...

Pip's brickwork is intriguing- I now know what she is studying from your reply above!
Sorry to hear about the car-based injury. I do think, although cars being higher up can help people in some ways, they also create challenges. My friend's elderly dog is not able to climb into the boot of their new car unassisted, whereas before, was able to, which is hard for her to lift him.
You look lovely in that photo despite the exhaustion you were feeling. You and Dave have matchingly beautiful smiles. Kezzie x

elli said...

Dear San, I am so sorry to hear of the pelvic injury, how frustrating. Praying for your continued and complete recovery! 🙏🏽I, too, think this is a lovely photo of you! It was my first thought, before reading the post🤗Funny, isn't it, how we view ourselves?? (I *rarely* like a photo of myself!!) peace and prayers my dear, elli

doe said...

LOl I agree with everyone about your and Dave's beautiful smiles. It's true that we are all critical of our dear faces :) Pip's brickwork looks impressive and very satisfying to complete. Landscape Design is fascinating . . encompassing creativity, technical and engineering knowhow and physical strength to accomplish! I wish her luck with the exams and I hope she gains in confidence with practice and encouragement. How frustrating that the new car has created a new problem with maneuvering large necessary objects into it! I hope a solution is found and you heal well xoxo Sending you a big hug and lots of love.

Anonymous said...

I think the photos of you and Dave are fabulous too - Happy Anniversary
Pips work looks brilliant
As I am a bit late replying I am hoping that things are easier now and you can relax and have an Advent season full of joy
Siobhan x