I had hoped to pop by sooner but I was floored by a vicious virus in late November, which required two emergency hospital visits before Christmas (signs of either a stroke or heart attack) and from which I haven't as yet fully recovered. So much so I have engaged the help of the nutritionist that I have worked with these past six years. I'm currently dealing with ongoing persistent viral reactivation and horrendous GI issues but I'm hopeful with a few minor diet tweaks and a change in supplement regime things should hopefully settle.
Without further ado here are the lovely things from the past few months:
Watching the Liverpool football match on Boxing Day with Pip, thankfully they won!
A cafe trip with Dave and Pip on the 2nd January, our first trip out since Pip's birthday on the 23rd. I was able to buy Ollie's birthday presents in the sales ๐. He loves all things soft and fluffy so i bought him a pair of fleece pyjamas and an oversized 'oodie' that resembles teddy bear features. His hood has ears and a cute face ❤️
I'm hoping that 2025 will be the year that I return to regular blog posts. I've ditched the distraction of Instagram and I don't bother with twitter or facebook, so it's looking hopeful.
All good wishes to you x
Happy New Year, may it be filled with live, joy, peace and many unexpected blessings ❤️๐
Thanks Angela
Lovely to read of your adventures and misadventures! I'm so sorry to hear you have been floored by yet another illness and do hope that there is a resolution for it. I love the Saint Nicholas biscuits so jolly!
I love that Pop made a den!
Always nice to be able to get pressies in a sale! Hopeyou are able to return to regular blogging! Xx
Sending love and hoping that 2025 is a really magnificent year for you all
Siobhan x
Thanks Kezzie
Thanks Siobhan. How are you doing? Xx
Hello San, It's wonderful to see Pip's beautiful smiling face, sweet Poppy and the gorgeous granddaughters :) It's been a busy time for you with the holiday and holiday birthdays! And also dealing with health issues. The emergency hospital visits sound scary and I'm so glad you are doing better now. Your biscuits look delish and I love the cookie cutter. We finished our panettone and Christmas cookies and I was feeling disappointed about it all when I received a text today from a friend saying she had a stollen for me and when could she drop it off . . ? So we're in business again with a holiday cake :) Siobhan was in NYC with her son and daughter and we were able to meet! That was very fun and nice. I really have loads to post about and will probably do so in a marathon stretch next week. This weekend Greg and I will check on the house. I send you lots of love and I wonder if you are knitting socks? I miss trying to do a pair each month . . Lots of love! xoxo, Dorina
I posted two comments here, but they must have gone lost. Did you get them?
Yep knitting socks and wow just lovely that you got to meet Siobhan xxx
No posts as yet Eva ๐ค
So lovely to see a post here, San! (And thanks too so much for dropping a comment at my IG — I so appreciate being able to keep in touch with interweb friends xox) … I am still keeping up with the blog as best I can given varying health challenges and I know you understand all too well! Will be pleased to keep reading along here as you are able to share. Heartfelt congratulations on the new baby in the family. How very lovely๐๐๐ฝ
Let's see if I remember what I had written :). I think I asked what a biscuit cooker is. The cookies look very pretty. And then I thought that all my kids also liked forts and Flora probably still would build one. And Poppy looks so cute! Leo does not care about soft surfaces at all. He prefers dark places, no matter how hard. Congratulations to your new granddaughter! Did all go well? Mary looks so big holding her new sister. It looks like Beth and Pip had a wonderful day. Happy birthday to the two of you. How old is Ollie now? So good to read about your happenings here again.
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