Friday 6 January 2023

Post Covid PoTS

 When I saw the GP on Tuesday she suspected that Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS) as a result of covid is the cause of my heart issues.  As an extra security she is running a 24 hour ECG to rule out atrial fibrillation.  I think her first assumption is the correct one.  When I saw her my pulse was within normal range and my BP 112/80 which was spot on 🙂. 

I’ve been doing some reading around post covid issues when mental ability allows - usually a ten minute read and then 30 minute rest.  There is a cardiologist who specialises in PoTS and runs this website: and he has shared how to conduct an active stand test which can then be shared with your GP.  In hindsight I should have realised it was going to be an ‘off’ day when I had a bad head throughout the night and slept badly.  I was desperate for a bath and hair wash and despite taking my time needed to lie down between drying and dressing and the same for drying my hair.  When I was attempting to dry myself my legs and feet turned purple and I recognised it as ‘blood pooling’ something Pip suffered with before she was able to access medications.  After a really good rest I asked Dave to help with the active stand by taking the readings at prescribed times and the results were very interesting!  Most folk think that PoTS causes a drop in blood pressure but in fact the opposite is also the case, as shown in my readings below:

I’m hoping to repeat the test in a few days once my heart rate has calmed down to compare results but I think at least we now know roughly what is going on.  Thanks for all your good wishes they are much appreciated 🙂


Kezzie said...

Oh San, this sounds horrendous! Will keep you in prayer. I do hope once you get the certain diagnosis, there may be treatment to help!xxx

Lynda said...

Dear Sandra Ann, just catching up on your last few posts and so sorry to hear of all your health issues. I'll be praying that you will feel better soon... xx

doe said...

Thinking of you San. I hope you were able to do the tests again and understand more of what is going on. Sending love and a big hug xoxoxo and say hi to sweet Poppy :)

Eva said...

Have you gotten results back from your ECG? My sister has had a bad migraine as a result of her first Covid vaccine. She still has not found any relief and is trying many things.

Sandra Ann said...

I repeated the test and the results were just as bad only with blood pooling in my hands, they were a lovely shade of purple 🙄. I compiled a letter to the GP with the results and my symptoms. We both suspect a PoTS condition but I need advice on whether it is safe to increase salt in my diet because of my whacky blood pressure. At the moment I’m wearing compression socks and drinking loads but will need to find compression leggings because of blood pooling in the whole of my leg.

Still waiting on appointment for the 24 he mobile ECG.

elli said...

Oh San, I am so sorry. And how frustrating to have to wait for that ECG appointment. (I have been reading about the NHS difficulties you all are having over there. It sounds awful). I am praying for you! For your recovery, for attaining the medical care you need as soon as possible, for the grace to endure what cannot be altered! (I have much experience with that last! Praying for grace — always!)


doe said...

Hi! Just wanted to write and say I'm thinking of you and hoping each day brings a part of your body that feels a little bit better . . or more information from the doctors . . Sending a big hug and lots of love xoxo

Eva said...

Oh, I thought they had done an ECG! Could it be just weak blood vessels? I bruise very easily. Anyway, I hope you can have salt again and it will a clear up.

sustainablemum said...

Oh San this sounds so hard for you and really scary. I do hope you get some answers soon x