Saturday 8 August 2020

August Snapshots

The man himself complete with ...

... a hospital beard and  an array of not terribly appetising food that is also causing an allergic reaction, so a visit from the dietitian is booked for next week. 

A specially commissioned Pip doodle for a 'dauntless dad'

 Never trust a man wit' beard, that can also hack your Sainsbury's food account and add a posy of Freesias to the shop 😜

Ollie let loose with the hose pipe, watch out mummy!

Mary following in her mum's footsteps and  climbing The Hoad Monument in Ulverston.

Keeping busy, cleaning the secateurs.

Trying out the latest bit of gardening gear, ideal for when working at the church using the strimmer and ride on mower.

Pip enjoying a much needed sleepover with her best buddy and yay the sun was shining that day!

Me having a much needed crash on the floor, currently dealing with a ME/Fibromyalgia/Glandular Fever flare at the moment, which is not surprising!  Thankful for a slew of herbal medicine and supplements and although it is horribly manageable it really could be a lot worse 😉

Happy Saturday x 


Eva said...

I almost did not recognize Dave! How a beard can change you! That reminds me of a picture we took when Jonathan and Charlotte were little. We had our neighbors over for tea. Our neighbor does look a bit like Peter but had a beard. So we have this picture with Jonathan, Charlotte, Mr. A. When Peter's family saw the picture, they thought that Peter did not look good with a beard! They never realized that the man was not their son/brother. I thought it was hilarious!

My dad always buys my mother freesias, they are her favorite flowers! I have never seen them in the U.S. Pip must miss her dad, but Ben has taken over all the "manly" work, hasn't he? Great! You should be proud of him.

I hope the food will improve. When I was in London in hospital (Miriam had a bladder infection and I stayed with her because I was still nursing her), they kept bringing the strangest concoctions and always wanted to give me "halal" food. I kept asking for gluten-free, but back then most people had no idea what that was and I had no idea what "halal" meant. Later I found out that this hospital was in the Muslim part of London and I guess they thought I was Muslim.

I hope you will feel better soon. When will Dave be allowed to go home?

Sandra Ann said...

Hi Eva your story about the look alike neighbour and the beard made me smile. Hospital food is ok for short stays I guess but it really is causing a problem, the skin is peeling away from his hands and fingers and it is related to him eating any Candida encouraging foods such as yeast, sugar and anything fermented. Not sure when he’ll be home but Dave has made consistent progress each day which is very positive.

sustainablemum said...

I am really sorry to hear that Dave is being effected by the hospital food. Our health service doesn't get the need to have a particular diet to support our health does it? I do hope he is able to come home to the diet he needs very soon.

Lovely to see pictures of the rest of the family, Ben and Pip must be really missing their dad. I do hope you are able to get the rest you need San, it must exhausting running the house on your own and worrying about Dave being in hospital. I am glad to see you have your feet up in on of your photos, I hope it was a good long rest. Thinking of you all at this difficult time xxx

elli said...

Oh how awful for Dave :-( I'm so sorry to hear he is having to deal with food reactions on top of everything else!! My son and I actually have a plan in place, should I ever need hospitalization (which, especially given the various tumors I am growing, not to mention risk of C19, it may well happen sooner rather than later), to provide me with my regular meals, which he makes every day in any case, prepped and brought in to me. My GI diseases and food troubles make 'regular' food impossible. I am grateful to know that meals could be managed ...

Increased prayers for Dave ascending!! And for you my dear! How wretched that you are having troubles now too. I am sorry. xoxo

Rachel said...

Hello Sandra! I’m sorry to see about Dave and his incarceration. Just wanted to let you know that a friend of mine used to be neuro rehab consultant at Preston, he may well still be there- Dr David Shakespeare. A good faithful Catholic too! Excellent doctor!
If a Dave manages to get to the neuro rehab I’m hopeful that he ma meet David, but either way the department has been known for excellent care so I will pray all goes well.
I’ve had a spontaneous fracture as osteoarthritis has set un from the asthma steroid treatment.
Let me know how you are doing! Xx

doe said...

I love the beard! I think it looks very handsome on him, and the smile on his face is just like the smile on Ben's face in the photo with you.

Hospital food . . I've never heard of good hospital food . . sadly. I suppose it exists somewhere. I do think that the workers in the cafeteria are working hard, but cooking for so many people is difficult, and there are so many individual tastes and needs! I hope he can be transferred soon and have the proper diet.

I love all the pics in this post, especially of you lying in bed with Poppy at the end. There's so much love here, and you still have your sense of humor and a thoughtful guy who slips flowers into your online grocery cart (that's very romantic).

I send you a big hug, San. I truly hope you are feeling better right now. It's 6:45 by you. I wonder if you're up, or still sleeping ..

Eva said...

P.S. Ollie looks adorable!