Tuesday 12 May 2020

Be A Lert

Don't go to work but if you can go to work then go to work but if not then don't go to work.

You are due in work tomorrow (Monday) but no wait that isn't right, make that Wednesday.  This only applies to England because Northern Ireland, Ireland, Scotland and Wales are doing their own thing #stayhome 

Go to work but don't use public transport so you'll have to use your bike.  What no bike?  Then you'll have to walk and if you can't walk then use public transport.

Primary school children reception, one and six will return on the 1st of June ... Good luck with that one I've never yet known a school manage to control a case of head lice let alone a deadly virus and social distancing with four year old kids utterly bonkers.

If you're travelling from France or Ireland then hey you're welcome and you can bypass the fourteen day quarantine expected of other visitors to the UK.  After all the Corona Virus is a different more friendly version in those two countries.

You can now go out for the day as a family ... cue mass exodus to the Lake District and the seaside. Cumbria Police are warning against travel to the Lake District as the area is still dealing with overload of the virus.

You can meet a family member in the park but only if you observe the 2m rule and only one parent at a time, so Mum in the morning Dad in the afternoon then?

Above all don't forget to keep an eye out for that pesky virus #missionimpossible and BE ALERT :-)


elli said...

Ah, San. Love and hugs and prayers!! It is all so.frustrating, isn't it? (Erm, that is: government peoples behaving ... poorly. I try to be polite. I could comment about certain politicians from my area who are, quite frankly, behaving criminally) .... sigh. SO! Thank you for the touch of humor. I shall be a lert with you ... xox

Kezzie said...

Don't get me started. And thank you for saying that about 4 years olds! I get year 6, I do but the little ones! Even with the NHS kids when I was in 2 weeks ago, I had 2 of the cleverest, most 'with it' year 1's and they could not stop coming right up to me! It's ludicrous especially since we have 90 in year 1 And 90 in Reception (and year 6 too obvs)

Pammakes said...

This is the best, cleverest blogpost on this subject that I have read! I live in Wales, and until this week I was beginning to think that the media and Westminster government thought that Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland were all part of England. Mind you, they will soon forget, no doubt.
I am a retired Infants School teacher. Even without the social distancing issues and organising who attends when, how and what they will be taught, if they turn up,

Pammakes said...

Will be a nightmare.
(Sorry, couldn’t finish that comment...)

doe said...

I know . . it's all so crazy! xoxoxo