Friday 1 November 2019

Skill Sharing :: Halloween :: Another Badge

Pip's last task for her bronze arts award was to plan, prep and lead an arts session.  She chose an animal from the artimee youtube channel, it was a Christmas polar bear holding a mug of hot chocolate.  

Her first task was to break down the character into sequential steps and write a prompt alongside each numbered image. Once she had done this she then made a ' mock up' of the bear which was then incorporated into a Christmas card.  She did a really great job leading the session and was confident in speaking and her instructions were clear.  The group really enjoyed the session and gave very positive feedback which has been added to her folder.  Her bronze award is now completed but cannot be submitted until the New Year once she is eleven, however she can already begin working on her silver award :-)

 Making final preparations for the skills session.

Pip's card for Beth.

 Makes a change, I'm the assistant and not the teacher!

 Showing and telling and that cute bundle of fluff is actually Oscar a really sweet pup :-)

 Colouring in our cards.

Adding washi tape edging.

Before setting off for the arts award session we had a lovely visit from my brother Col.  It was good to catch up and he even had time to stay for some lunch.  I used the pumpkin flesh to make a spicy pumpkin soup served with savoury scones.  Pip was entirely responsible for carving the pumpkin as she is now working on her whittling badge!  She had already completed the second challenge which was to carve a toasting stick for marshmallows, this was done at the last forest school meeting.  So the pumpkin cat was stage one out of the way:

Happy Saints Day!  xx 


Eva said...

Beautiful pumpkin! Pip has been working quite hard and you must be proud of her new skills and successes. Congratulations! Your brother looks so much like you :).

Sandra Ann said...

Thank you! Yes she has been working hard and is pleased with her efforts. I am big sis by seven years but definitely ' little sis' compared to him 🙂

sustainablemum said...

Congratulations to Pip for completing the Bronze Arts Award they are really good aren't they? Aoife has just completed the Explorer Level and will start working on the Bronze in the New Year, Connor is well on with his Bronze too.

We love working on the Scouting badges here too, they are a good way to integrate skill learning into home life aren't they?

Hope you are all keeping well x

Sandra Ann said...

It was thanks to you that I learned of the arts awards and that same day there was a posting on the HE Lancashire page relating to the Thursday afternoons :/). Yes the badges and skill sets from the uniform Services are a great way of providing a well rounded curriculum x

Kezzie said...

Well done to Pip! She looks most authoritative leading that session. The cat is so cute!!! I don't really do anything Halloweeny but I admit that the cat is really sweet. CBC and his brother carved pumpkins last year (I didn't want to do one) and CBC did an owl! The owl and the pussy cat would be cute!!

doe said...

Happy Halloween, San. I love the photo of Pip leading and you working on your card, and her bear and pumpkin kitty are adorable. The pumpkin kitty shines so bright and perfectly in the dark. (Congratulations to Pip on the badges!)

I think you and Pip and your brother all look so much alike . . ! Happy Saints Day xoxo