Thursday, 22 September 2011

Blowing Away The Cobwebs

Yesterday Sara and I took the kids to our local park in the town.  Sara's practical work for this week is to collect, label and photograph her finds of conker seeds, leaves and any other relevant items.  It was a very blustery day but good to get out of the house.

 Chatting to a Mallard.

 Pip totally fascinated by the ducks!

 Pip and Sara hugging a tree.

Benedict throwing leaves.
 Mother and Daughter snap happy moment.
 Pip desperate to see the view over Morecambe Bay.
 Puddle squelching... I needed to keep a tight grip on the reins for I'm sure she would have otherwise sat down in the water!
 Sharing a snack before returning home.
Today Benedict is at Shein's and Pip and Sara are at our local park collecting the rest of the much needed specimens.  Yesterday's trip out was lovely but I've paid a hefty price with my health and am very stiff and sore from the jaunt.  Benedict's diabetes is totally unstable and is affecting everyone in the family, with this in mind I've arranged a meeting with the head of the local learning centre for Monday.  I have plenty of questions and I'm hoping she can provide the answers!  If the outcome is positive then it is likely he will attend some sessions there on a regular basis.  We all need some respite from each other, and in the absence of a support network, this is our only choice.
On a positive note one of the mums from the GP Forum has contacted me and let me know of a home education group run by her every fortnight.  The venue is about a fifty minute drive and is doable so we will attend our first session next Thursday all being well.


Shirley Ann said...

Looks like a great day out - just what is needed! You asked where I buy my wool - online at Get Knitted ( ;o) I love how quick they are, I orderd on Friday and it was delivered on Saturday! Plus it was FREE p&p! I think they are based near or in Bristol. I have also used Knit & Sew ( but they do charge p&p. Much easier than loading up the children (who always find a million things that they 'need')

Shirley Ann

Joxy34 said...

Oooh and a tip.. if you are on ravelry and join the get knitted group you get 10% discount too.

Sandra Ann said...

Thanks for the knitting tips, gals!


Anonymous said...

I'm flattered to be linked on your sidebar! Thank you so much!