Tuesday 24 September 2024

Hello ❤️

 It has been a while  and I certainly hadn't meant to step away from this space for so long.  Long Covid is a tricky beast to live with and it doesn't take much to knock me off my limited baseline.  I have missed updating here and checking in on friends so here is a short whistle stop tour of the past ten months:

During the first half of this year as you can see knitting and a bit of crochet featured heavily, sock knitting in particular!  Scrappy socks using left over yarn and birthday socks were made and this was quite an achievement since I struggled to remember how to follow a simple sock pattern!  As my cognitive functioning began to improve other items were made, some baby cardigans for a cousin, a crochet balaclava for Sara and Barbara the emotional support chicken for Pip.

We have another Grand-baby on the way due around Christmas time ❤️

Ben turned 21 in June and amongst other things a walnut and coffee cake was requested.

We visited a local military museum with Pip at the start of the summer break.

The highlight of Pip's summer was visiting Liverpool football stadium and museum.  It was a very challenging drive for me even though it is only just over an hour away, and Pip did her bit by pushing me around in the wheelchair.  It was worth every minute to see that smile on her face.

We are now back to college on Wednesdays which she absolutely loves and her last year of Inter-high and GCSEs with all that entails 😕

It's been a cognitive challenge finding my way around this space and I cannot remember how to reduce photos or put them in a folder 😂, so I guess I've some learning to do!

If you've stopped by here to wave hello then thank you x