Wednesday 7 June 2023


 I've had a bit more brain band-with these past few days, so have managed to plan food for the next day as well as following a couple of recipes.  I still cannot remember conversations that I've had earlier in the day which at times proves to be interesting 😂

Bolognese with Polenta Topping.

Rhubarb and Apple Crumble with Dairy Free Ice Cream.

I made enough crumble on Monday to serve two days, so we are having the other portion for dessert this evening.

Pip is in the throes of studying for end of year tests and so life is a bit full on for her at the moment.  We have been looking at different study techniques and learned about 'The Feynman Technique' today:

In her hurry to get sorted this morning poor Wilbur was left on guard duty in the bathroom:

We have an epic drive to Manchester tomorrow for a specialist appointment for Pip, it's just over an hours drive but we plan on breaking the journey for a rest stop for me and please God all will go well ❤️


Eva said...

Wilbur does look a bit lost! Great you could do some cooking/baking! And good luck with the appointment tomorrow. We are going on a field trip to an organic farm. It is a 40 minute drive (I think). I guess I should get out a map . . . Good luck to Pip on her studies. Veronika and Flora are taking their mandatory tests for New York right now. That is always quite stressful for Flora.

doe said...

I love Wilbur in the bathroom :) and I sent the Feynman Technique to Chanda. It's a nice simple video. Your cooking projects look delicious (what sweetener do you use for your crumble?), and I think your outlook on forgetting morning conversations is wonderfully positive and funny. I often forget what conversations I've had with which daughter, usually leaving me feeling a bit foolish. How did the drive go?! I hope all was well. Good luck to Pip with her tests!

elli said...

A bit late to this post — my own health has me even more limited than usual, tho’ I have at last managed my first blog post for June🤣😰 — I am praying the drive and the appointment went well and that you are both recovering well from the effort, dear San! 💖🕊🙏🏽Holding you all in my daily prayers, as ever🕯