On Solstice eve Ben and I sat around the fire pit with a mug of hot tea in hand:
Wednesday, 30 December 2020
Solstice :: Birthday :: Christmas
Monday, 21 December 2020
Waving :-)
An early start (unintentional) has meant a chance to access the computer and share a long overdue update.
Dave came home on the 23rd November and although it is lovely having him home it is not without some considerable challenges. For the first fortnight I didn't know if I was on my head or my feet, we had extra disability equipment delivered and rehab assistants twice daily watching him walk with a frame. I often joke that he might be disabled but I'm chronically sick which means Dave is pretty well, it's just his legs that don't want to work properly. I on the other hand live on a knife edge regarding my health and it doesn't take much to tip me over. The stress of being thrown back into a full on caring roll triggered a really bad IBS and fibromyalgia flare which is still ongoing four weeks later.
Despite the cronky health we all soon settled into a rhythm and it was a good job too as I began my Doula training with Red Tent Doulas UK from 30th November - 16th December. It was a case of now or never and since all the sessions were via Zoom and in smaller increments I knew I would manage. I have wanted to train since Pip was small but previously I would have had to travel and be away for an entire weekend. It was a real confidence boost being back in 'the classroom' and the other girls on the course were just lovely. In order to qualify I have a self paced series of tasks, an essential reading list and a final piece to submit. My plan is to do a little each day and hopefully it won't take too long to complete.
During the second week of training we had the downstairs bathroom converted into an accessible wet room for Dave and it was not without considerable challenges. I was very relieved when everything was completed on that Friday evening and the workmen have done a lovely job. The next major building work is replacing the kitchen door and installing a ramp at the back of the house.
All my original home school plans went out the window way back in September, we have just about managed to keep up with some English and maths but everything else was shelved. Pip did however complete her John Muir Discovery Award with Beacon Fell and received a certificate for all her efforts. She kept a very detailed diary of each field trip and submitted a poster entitled "Access All Areas ... but not during a pandemic."
Pip mapped a low level route that in theory should have been accessible with Dave's mobility scooter but in reality was not feasible. Normally Dave has access to the off road vehicle at Beacon Fell, but as the visitor centre is shut this is not currently an option. As it so happened the ranger team were around for the presentation and they took a keen interest in some of her suggestions for making the fell more accessible.
I'll leave with you some photos of Dave crossing the threshold for the first time since July and Pip's thank you card for the Sue Ryder staff. Thank you for all your prayers and encouraging words these past months they really are appreciated x
Hooray for being able to hug Dad :-)
A very special gift given to Dave by another fellow inmate - a really lovely young woman the same age as Emma and Kathryn.