Wednesday 24 July 2019

Family Time

Over the past few weeks we have spent some time with extended family.  We managed to visit my dad on his 80th birthday.   Here he is holding a mammoth piece of work courtesy of Dave, it is a well documented piece of history; our family tree on my Dad' side of the family.  Dave took the original piece of research from my Dad and cousin and amalgamated the info with further additional information.  We have family from Somerset and Northumbria, two of my favourite places in Britain :-)

On Friday we had an impromptu visit from Sara, Tom and Ollie which was really lovely.  Ollie in true toddler form attempted to gain access to cupboards and drawers and thought the blinds in the lounge fascinating!!

I am pleased to report that Pip's smile has returned, yay!  She hasn't even grumbled to much about keeping up with home school light in the form of maths, read aloud and spellings.  Pip has a busy summer of activity camps, visits with friends and day trips in between.  We kick started this week with an orienteering home ed afternoon at Beacon Fell.  The same group that organised the day is also responsible for the forest school sessions tomorrow and Friday.  In addition she has also been attending youth football on a Wednesday with the opportunity of additional sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the summer.  Pip is football mad and the guy running the session today said she is really good at controlling the ball, she is one happy bunny. 


Eva said...

That is wonderful that Dave put that together. I have worked on ours on and off. Your dad must be very happy. How far back does it go back? My father is turning 80 next year. I am glad Pip has so many activities lined up. Is it as hot at your place as it was in London?

Lots of love,

elli said...

Oh, I'm so glad to hear that Pip is in a happier place. Hooray.

I love geneological studies! We have our family tree going back to the 400-500s, thanks to 50-odd years' worth of assiduous research by various family members.

Ollie is adorable! :-)


Eva said...

Yes, his smile is so cute!

Unknown said...

Hi Eva,

The family tree so far goes back to the 1750s. We are currently dealing with a humid heatwave, I like the heat but not humid heat, boo! Yes, I am really pleased that we have managed to sort out some fun activities for Pip during the summer.

Pen - your family research sounds very interesting, what a legacy for future generations and yes Ollie is adorable but then I am biased :-)

doe said...

Congrats to Pip on the football. That's wonderful, as is your family tree. Greg also enjoys working on our family trees. As with your family, his family goes back into the 1700's and also the 1600's. They came over from England. My family is more current and I'm second generation (German on my mom's side, Sicilian on my dad's side).

Ollie is just too cute!