Wednesday 20 October 2021

Arts Award

 The past few weeks we have returned to our Arts Award classes at The Civic Centre and it's lovely to be back with faces old and new.  This year Pip is working on her Silver Award and she has set herself a challenge of drawing different poses of her characters as well as developing different colour combinations.  Here are some photos from the past few weeks:

Gathering together and sharing work from the previous weeks.

Having a go at making your own paint using powdered paints and linseed oil.

Last week's session was all about pixel art.  Callum shared a workshop on creating a Minecraft pig character which we all tried and then for the remainder of the session we worked on our individual pixel creations.  Pip found an image of Pikachu courtesy of Pinterest and enjoyed creating it on squared paper. It's really uplifting to be involved with something almost normal, but for how long is anyone's guess as Covid cases are rising quite sharply across the UK.


elli said...

Lovely to be out and about for a bit, I imagine!! Here we are home excepting grocery runs and medical appointments — our state is consistently in the top ten for daily new cases — but in the main, folks all 'round are 'back to normal', which .... I feel we ought to be on some measure of lockdown ... locally, there *is* an indoor mask mandate at least 🙏🏻What terrible times these are ...

Praying you all are keeping well!

doe said...

Hello San, it looks so wonderful to be out doing things together. I hope the cases stay down for you. The art work looks like fun (such pretty colors), and Pip looks cozy in her hoodie.