Thursday 19 August 2021

Cardiology :: A Jaunt To The North East

 We managed to avoid a rather costly trip to London to see a paediatric cardiologist and instead found a brilliant chap based in York.  Dr Gupta very kindly agreed to see Pip as a private patient even though his list was already full - I rang on the Monday and we had our video call with him that Thursday evening.  He took a full case history, listened to all that had gone on, asked me to check her heart rate/blood pressure (we have machines for both) and promptly diagnosed her with PoTS!!  As a result of her baseline readings he has started her on a low dose of Ivabradine which is heart medication - it slows down a fast heart rate and within three days of taking the medicine she managed a trip to Barton Grange without feeling like she was going to keel over :-)  Pip's paediatrician in Lancaster is also very supportive of the treatment and guidance given by Dr Gupta and he is happy to write an NHS prescription for her medicine.  At some point we will request to see Dr Gupta on the NHS which will probably necessitate a trip to York but for the time being we have a private follow up appointment in a few weeks.

As a result of Pip feeling a bit better we felt able to have a much needed little jaunt to two of our happy places, Hexham and South Shields.  Kezzie definitely well worth checking out her link as she talks about this installation) had raved about a beautiful art and prayer installation at Hexham Abbey as well as her regular treats from the refill shop when she visited in July, so I was very happy to experience both places when we stopped on our way to Newcastle and South Shields.

Hexham Abbey

Writing on an Angel to add to the prayer board on my right.

Scrabbling around in my purse to pay for the candles!!

Even standing on the stool Pip wasn't quite tall enough to successfully peep through the face hole :-)

Attempting calligraphy - needless to say I didn't do too well and was consigned to the turnip patch!

Pip however faired better and was accepted as an  apprentice :-)

South Shields Beach - Little Haven Sands

Last time we were here (2019) I was roving reporter for Dad and we WA video called him so it was a bitter sweet visit for sure.  I'd packed loads of food for our first day and so for tea we had a selection of sandwiches, crisps and hoummus followed by stewed rhubarb and custard for dessert.

I also had paid a visit to the hairdresser the day before and had three inches lopped of my locks - the previous visit had also been three inches!  I was finding long hair a real nuisance to wash and dry.

Every time we see a lone sea gull especially if they visit us we say, "Uncle Bernard has come to say hello!"  Dave's Uncle Bernard loved bird watching.

Jarrow Hall

I'm still rubbish at trying to get a selfie with Geraldine ;-)

Catching the camera man for a change.

Smelting pewter.

Feeding some very hungry sheep, her smile says it all.

Logged in, zoned out, waiting for lunch from the cafe.

Thanks for stopping by and reading and for all your good wishes and prayers regarding Pip, I do believe we could be slowly turning a corner, long may the improvements continue :-) xx 


elli said...

Oh it's so good to see a post! Very glad you had time and energy to write, San. What fantastic news about the doctor and meds for Pip. You must be so relieved. 🙏🏻 And then to have such a lovely trip, too, hooray. 🤗 blessings and peace, my dear xox

Kezzie said...

I'm so glad to hear about the specialist visit and I pray her diagnosis is correct and is the point of improvement for Pip.
Ah, glad you enjoyed the Abbey. I've not tried the calligraphy thing!
I'm so sad I only spent 4 days in Hexham this Summer. My husband was there for over a week. SO annoying my holiday was shorter than his from school.

Charlotte (MotherOwl) said...

Yay, Happy to hear!

doe said...

This is good news, San. I'm so glad to hear how well it went with a zoom appointment and a smart and compassionate doctor, and it's just wonderful that you got away for a trip to Hexham and South Shields. It's heartwarming to see smiles on your faces, and the seagull photo is terrific! Your lovely gift came while we were away and I opened it yesterday. Thank you so much. Everything is just lovely and I have a sock project in the bag, the badge on my purse, and the washcloth in the bath :) xoxoxo

Sandra Ann said...

I’m glad the little gift arrived 🙂 xx

Sandra Ann said...

Thank you ❤️

Sandra Ann said...

The medicine is doing a fab job, the ultimate road test will be a day spent with friends - we haven’t seen them since the pandemic began x

Christina said...

That's good news about Pip's new treatment, and the positive effect it has on her.

Eva said...

I am so happy for you! York is a beautiful place to go to (Peter went there for a conference over 20 years ago and took wonderful pictures.) So when you have to go there for real, you will not be disappointed.

So good you could get out and about. Hexham Abbey looks like a grand place to go to.

Funny about the hair length: Whenever my hair grows long enough to tickle my neck, I have to get it cut, I do not like my hair in my neck. Beautiful pictures of you :).

Sandra Ann said...

Thanks Christina for stopping by 🙂

Sandra Ann said...

We went to York when the older girls were small and visited the Minster and the Railway Museum. The girls also visited the Jorvik Viking centre when they were at primary school.

It’s been good to get out and about and Pip is doing really well on the medicine 🙂

Eva said...

Oh, the Jorvik Centre is supposed to be very nice, correct?