Saturday 25 May 2019

Life Lately

Thanks to Kezzie for the prompts once again:-)

Watching:  the world go by and wondering where on earth is my place in the grand scheme of things!  So often I feel that I am being led down a path only to find another huge stumbling block in my way, so frustrating!

Playing: catch up once again on the blog and visiting online folks.  Thanks Penelope for dropping by to check if I am OK and giving me a much needed nudge to update on here :-)

Feeling: annoyed that my body continually lets me down.  Over four weeks ago I started with swollen glands in my neck and horrendous joint/bone pain in my feet and knees.  It hasn't gone away and at my recent GP appointment I have been prescribed anti inflammatory drugs as well as strong analgesics to deal with the pain.  If the glands have not gone down by next week then I will need to go back for another physical exam and blood tests.

Reading/Just Read:  "Unexpected Healing"  by Jennifer Rees Larcombe.  I have read several of her books and she writes with warmth, insight, honesty and humour.  I borrowed the book from the lending library at Wesley's today and could not put it down and it was finished this evening.  My next book from there is "Children and Prayer" by Betty Shannon Cloyd.  I also have this month's book club book but it is not looking hopeful, with swear words on the first few pages I am beginning to wonder what else is in store!  If it doesn't improve then it will be permanently shelved :-)

Disgusted by ...  politics, most especially those of a far right persuasion.  I am not a Tory voter and at times was frequently frustrated by Teresa May's dogged determination and unwillingness to encompass other views, but even I felt very sorry for her on Friday.   Class clown Boris Johnson and wooden top Andrea Leadsom as potential PMs?  Heaven help us!  And as for Frog Man Farage total dismay :-(  

Hoping ... like Kezzie that the Green Party get more European seats and that Farage falls down a rabbit hole!!  We were able to vote how we liked in the European elections as opposed to tactically voting and so the Green Party got our vote :-)

Dealing with ... changes.  Pip has started school at a local small village school, only 40 kids in the entire building.  She has been feeling increasingly isolated and this seemed like the best option to make friends at the moment.  As a result she has already made friends with a lovely girl, who is visiting tomorrow for the afternoon. 

 Her school attendance will only be for a year and then we will return to home schooling until she is old enough to attend Myerscough College.  We do have a local secondary school on our doorstep but it has major issues with retaining staff and dealing with quite severe bullying issues.  We know of one family where the boy aged twelve was threatened with a stabbing and the school did nothing to intervene.  As a result the victim is now being home schooled.

My childminding job for AJ will also finish in July.  It makes no sense looking after another person's child when my own is out of the house and in all honesty my pay has been way below the recommended childminding rate.  Essentially I have been working for welfare in that I have had a tick box for working my required 16 hours per week.  I have decided to return to the crafting and have already made contact with out local information centre who is currently looking for new makers to exhibit in the shop.

Caring:  for Dave last week when he had an eye infection and consequent MS wobble, cue a week of high dose steroids and antibiotic ointment for the eye.

 Ben's diabetes bloods have been a bit wobbly but despite that he has managed college and his volunteering jobs.  With regards to his education we had a profitable meeting with college advisers on Friday and now have a plan for his learning over the next three years.

Sharing: photos from the last few weeks

Oliver's Baptism

 It was so lovely to see Sara wear her wedding dress for the occasion.  The event was made even more special in that the priest conducting the service was our parish priest when the girls were small!  It was lovely to catch up and know that they will be well looked after in their parish at Grange.

Freeport Shopping Centre Fleetwood

On a lovely sunny day a few weeks ago we ventured forth to " Freeport Shopping Centre" near Fleetwood which is only a half hour drive from our home.  T-shirts, sandals and flasks were bought from the discounted outdoor wear shops.  We did have a coffee treat at Costa but saved money by bringing our own lunch.

Pondering:  will I actually make it back in this space?  I hope so :-)  

God Bless x 


Lynda said...

It's nice to read an update from you. I'm sorry you have so many health issues to deal with.

I have read a few Jennifer Rees Larcombe books (Journey Into God's Heart) and have enjoyed them. I have a daily devotional of hers (A Year's Journey With God) which I enjoy using again every few years.

I look forward to your next blog post :) xx

elli said...

{{hugs}} and many prayers, San! I'm so glad you all were able to find a school that suits Pip for now! That's a blessing. Life has so many odd turnings and unexpected corners ... I am sorry to hear about the health woes — bodies! Here, too, we have myriad health concerns and changes. Lovely to have a post :-) xox

Eva said...

So nice you are writing again! I hope Pip will like the new school. Maybe less homeschooling for a while will help you heal. Good luck with the crafting. Your bag was my daily companion during our outings in London: It was the supply bag, filled with water bottles, umbrellas, snacks, and little treasures the girls picked up on our walk.

Love to you all,

Sandra Ann said...

Aw thanks for sharing the story of the bag! I think she will enjoy her year x

Sandra Ann said...

Big hugs to you x

Sandra Ann said...

Thank you for stopping by x

doe said...

Hello dearest San, I'm glad you're writing :) and also glad I'm stopping by again. Things have been a little stressful around here, but we're doing okay. I'm sorry you have been having pain again and health problems. It can be so frustrating. My friend Janet also has many health issues and has started reading "Dirty Genes" by Dr. Ben Lynch. I haven't looked at it yet, but she has found it helpful.

I think the plans you've made for Pip sound good! And I hope Dave is feeling well and that Benedict enjoys his school. I think it must feel good to have a plan for him for the next three years. I also look forward to hearing about your latest crafting adventures. You make beautiful bags and I think it's exciting you will be able to place your wares in a shop. I hope that all goes well.

Pip and Ollie have grown so much! Ollie is the cutest bear! Oh, I wish I could blink myself to your place for a hug and a visit :) Chanda has also grown! Maybe a whole inch . . I'm not sure, but she felt so tall when she hugged me good-bye today, on her way to a modern dance rehearsal. Morgana agrees with me.

Take good care, dear San. I send you lots of love, Dorina xoxo

doe said...

P.S. What a lovely family photo of Ollie's baptism :)

Kezzie said...

I hope that dear Pip will enjoy her time at school and make some lovely friends. I was talking to a friend who teaches in Derby in a secondary school and his stories were horrific! I was horrified. Totally dismayed by Secondary schools. I am so glad CBC teaches at a Girl's Grammar school so he doesn't have to face the abuse he used to face.
Ollie's baptism picture is lovely.
Hope you enjoyed Freeport!!