Wednesday 23 January 2019

Back To Normal

Both kids finally were upright on Sunday and so the temporary sick bays were dismantled and the house began to look and run like normal.  Dave and I have remained flu free and for that we are grateful.

I actually managed some baking and food prep on Sunday and it has served us well this week.  The book in the picture is one that I have read before and been able to borrow from the library.  Sadly it is no longer listed in our local library but at least I was able to purchase it at a reasonable price and it is well worth a read:

 The granola was made from the book and the other food items are long standing favourites, banana and choc chip cake and 'Homity Pie,' a Cranks recipe.

 Dave had hoped to take a photo of the 'blood moon,' but unfortunately clouds prevailed and so his early morning jaunt was not rewarded with the desired shot.

 After completing Maths and English on Monday morning, Pip enjoyed some crafting and science time.  She was making a design from this book 

 Today we woke to a Wintry Wonderland.  Thankfully the main roads were running normally so getting out and about wasn't a problem.  Interestingly enough, our old town of Lancaster was actually snow free.  Pip enjoyed playing in the snow :-)


Kezzie said...

Glad to know they are better. Nice to see the food ideas from that book. It's great if you can make some things at the weekend to help during the week!x

Eva said...

The moon picture is still pretty! We saw it rise in Greenwich on Sunday and it was a beautiful moon.

We also got snow here. Most people here are very excited when they see snow in London.