Monday, 3 December 2018

December Photo Project :: Chocolate Treats and A Yummy Breakfast

 Day Two:  Chocolate Treats

Debbie and Lewis visited yesterday.  The kids hung out and the mums enjoyed knitting and nattering!  We have a long standing tradition and the host family usually provide a simple sweet treat for afternoon snack.  For ease in working out the carbs the kids normally share a "twirl" bar but at Christmas and Easter we break with tradition and share a suitable alternative:

 These fairtrade goodies were bought from our newly opened Co-Op shop just down the road from us :-)  Insert a happy dance!  The shop is very impressive with a good selection of fresh produce as well as gluten free foods all at a very reasonable price and certainly comparable with the local Sainsbury in town.

 St Nicholas in front of the Advent wreath and waiting to be pressed into action!

Day Three:  Yummy Breakfast

Once the kids had been dropped off at their respective learning zones, Dave and I enjoyed a late and much appreciated cooked breakfast.  Once we had eaten, Dave spent some quiet time on the computer and I enjoyed some knitting time.  I have just finished the first Christmas sock for Benedict because let's face it, Christmas would not be the same without a pair of hand knit socks :-)

  A good day :-)


Eva said...

Do those chocolate Santas have glasses? What is a twirl bar?

Sandra Ann said...

Yes they do!! The twirl is a bar that is split into two separate pieces and each strip is 10gramnes of carb :-). They are very similar to a flake but less crumbly!

Eva said...

Interesting! I don't pay much attention to American Santas, but I am sure the German St. Nicholas does not have glasses.

Now, what is a "flake"? I guess we did not buy many regular bars when in England.

Sandra Ann said...

You'll have to find one when you return to Blighty in the New Year!!

Shirley Ann said...

Love those little Santa's and your mug... so pretty.