Monday, 18 May 2015

And It Continues

Pip has recovered, Benedict started non stop vomiting this afternoon, I feel sick and Dave stumbled into bed with flu like chills and MS hassles as a result.  Here's hoping normal service will resume shortly :-)

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Bad Luck

They say that bad luck comes in threes, but we've had a double dose this week :-)

On Monday as I was heading out to a hospital appointment with Benedict, one of the  valves blew on my car and so I limped home with a flat tyre and a cancelled appointment.

On Tuesday a "Trojan" by-passed our anti virus software and infected the computer and just like the gardeners nemesis, "convulvulus" it grew until there were over 1800 articles causing mayhem on the system.  It is still not completely right and I am currently typing on Sara's old computer, which we found in the caravan :-)

On Wednesday, Pip whilst changing out of her school uniform, knocked the iphone clean out of my hand and it went kapput, it is now on its way to the insurance assessors to see if it can be repaired or needs replacing.

On Thursday I developed an eczema on my legs which I have only ever had when pregnant with Benedict or Pip ... I am definitely not pregnant so I guess my hormones must be currently whacky at the moment.

On Friday the waistband on a pair of jeans rubbed several tiny holes in a brand new top, bought two days previously :-(  I now have to take said jeans back to the shop with the ruined top as proof of damage, the jeans will then be sent for product design testing.  I wouldn't mind but I hardly ever by a new clothes!

On Saturday Pip suddenly began with stomach flu and is currently in bed as I type. The house is very peaceful as in the kids are not scrapping but what a way to garner peace and quiet eh?!

I am off now to catch up with friends in the blogosphere and to sit with my knitting.  Here's hoping for a better week ;-)