I should have been at 'make and cake' but God is good and I had my respite of sorts sat in front of our fire knitting in the lounge cum sick bay.
During this time Benedict put his craft and design skills to good use and made this:
It has since had a partial coat of paint and battlements.
Whilst all this was going on Kathryn spent two days in hospital as she was experiencing some unusual symptoms, that might have indicated early labour. Needless to say there were countless phone calls and much consternation. She finally left for home having endured two lots of steroid injections which resulted in a very sore leg. Thankfully her and 'Midge' are doing fine.
Hardly any wonder therefore that my already 'swinging in the balance' health took a nose dive and a considerable relapse ensued. I've dosed up with meds as well as homeopathy and acupuncture and I'm currently riding out the storm. I've finally had two nights of full sleep as Pip has fully recovered, so this goes a long way to aiding recovery.
It was quite timely when a package arrived that lifted our spirits and was greatly appreciated, thanks Dorina
An origami crane mobile.
Beautifully made and the birds twirl gently in the conservatory, reminding me of a loving connection that spans across the miles.
The school room has been fairly quiet in these parts but I remembered some sage advice from my dear friend Eva and so we've kept up with maths and english and let other activities slide. I did however find a fab art and music appreciation resource from harmony fine arts This mum also runs the handbook of nature study blog which also incorporates the 'outdoor hour challenges'. So I went ahead and purchased the grade five curriculum which encompasses the medieval and renaissance period, as I knew this would tie in neatly with our history study.
This week we've been looking at Giotto and Benedict's challenge was to talk about 'The flight into Egypt' and draw his own version of what he saw:
He has added colour today and as a result the whole image has come to life.
Thanks to some Godly timing; I don't believe in co-incidences, they are God- Incidencies a quiet message appeared in my email box and it was just what I needed to hear. Even more it provided me with a written down strategy, so grateful.